The old man suddenly felt a little softhearted. This time he gave a hard hand, but after all, he was his favorite grandson and his heart flesh. In the future, the future of Zhangjia was tied to him.

"Do you know your mistake?" the old man asked coldly, also giving Zhang Han a step down.

Zhang Han's face was expressionless. He had no emotional waves in the process of being beaten. His handsome eyelids gently moved. He looked at the old man, "finished? Then I'll go back first."

Zhang Han left.

The old man almost didn't come up at one breath. He thought Zhang Han would take a soft suit along the steps. Who knew he was so arrogant, "you bastard, stop!"

Zhang Han's black leather boots paused on the handmade carpet. His straight and tall body slowly turned around at the door and looked down at the panting old man, "I've been beaten and scolded. I've been scolded. If Grandpa keeps pestering, it's boring. After all, I don't have the patience to spend with you."

"..." the old man looked at Zhang Han in shock. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He stretched out his finger and pointed to Zhang Han, his fingertips trembling, "you... You..."

"Save your strength and take good care of your health, Grandpa. I wish you a long life." Zhang Han left with his men.

The old man's face began to swell red and turned upside down. It's really turned upside down. This villain is really anti bone. No one can discipline him!


Zhang Han led people out of the old house. At this time, his men put a black coat on his shoulder and whispered, "young boss, we have turned the whole city upside down, but we still haven't found Lin buran. Lin buran should have... Left here."

Zhang Han's eyes are like ink spilled, which renders a thick and terrible abyss and night. Lin buran... He chews the name again and again in his heart. Good, good, this time she played really beautiful!

At this time, Zhang Han stepped forward, because he saw a man in front. It was Lin mo.

Lin Mo is here.

Qingjunjunba's young man came alone. Now he was standing under the street lamp in the street. He copied his hands into his trouser pocket and gently leaned against the lamp post. The hazy moonlight added a bit of coolness and mystery to him.

"You stay here." Zhang Han asked his men to stop in place. He came to Lin Mo's side.

The two men looked at each other with four eyes. Zhang Han hooked his thin lips. "Did you know your sister left in advance?"

Lin Mo nodded, "I know."

Zhang Han raised his eyebrows. It was no surprise. The young man in front of him was unfathomable. It was not as simple as he looked, "where is your sister now, do you know?"

Lin Mo shook his head, "I don't know."

Zhang Han licked his dry thin lips and really smiled. He smiled and showed a dark white tooth. He stepped forward. He covered Lin Mo's ear and said in a low voice, "if you see her one day, let her hide, don't be caught by me."

With that, Zhang Han turned and left.

Lin Mo didn't say much. He quietly watched Zhang Han get on the luxury car and disappear in his sight.


In a luxury car.

"Young master, I found it in the villa just now. Lin Bu ran left something for you." his hand handed a sealed envelope to Zhang Han.

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