Lin butran left something for him.

Zhang Han reached out, took the envelope bag, opened it, and a picture fell out.

The photo shows Lin buran and Zhang Han's father. They are lying on the big bed of the hotel. Lin buran is hugged by Zhang Han's father.

At the bottom of the photo is a line of beautiful small characters written by Lin buran - don't miss me too much!

Zhang Han looked back and forth at the photo and this line of small characters several times until he saw the congestion in his eyes and something surging in his chest. Soon, he puffed out a mouthful of blood.

"Little boss!" his men were surprised.

Zhang Han's face was expressionless and "brushed" twice. He tore the photo directly --- Lin buran, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will catch you back!


Zhang Han's father was buried. Zhang Han set off for Western China and left here. All gossip was suppressed and slowly forgotten.

Lu Yu always paid attention to this matter until everything was calm and Lin Mo didn't come back to school.

Sister Lin hasn't seen him since she disappeared.

That is, they haven't met since that night.

However, the digital programming contest is about to begin.

You Ling said, "Pang Pang, did Lin Mo drop out of school? It's estimated that the disappearance of Lin's sister has hit him too hard. He doesn't want to go to school, but what about the digital programming competition? He wants to fight on behalf of our No. 1 middle school."

Lu Yi gently twisted Xiumei. She also knew the urgency of the digital programming competition, but according to his nature, she probably didn't want to participate.

What has he been doing these days?

Is he okay?

Lu Yu was confused and worried about him, but she couldn't get her mobile phone to contact him.

After school, Lu Yu walked out of the campus. At this time, a man came face to face. It was Wu Zeyu, the youngest of Lin Mo's hair.

"Lu Xiaohua." Wu Zeyu stopped her.

Lu Yu stopped, "hello."

"Lu Xiaohua, ah Mo hasn't come to school for days. Aren't you worried about him?"

"He... Is almost an adult. He should know what he is doing. It's useless for me to worry." Lu Zhen said duplicity.

"But sister Lin disappeared. I don't know where she is now and whether she is well. Ah Mo has been dependent on her since childhood. Her sister is his only relative in the world. How sad he should be if her sister abandons him now."

Lu Zhen felt a pain in his heart, like being stung by a bee. Yes, how sad he should be.

"Lu Xiaohua, my sister has left. Ah Mo has no home. Ah Mo has been drinking in the bar these days. I'm afraid his body will be unable to bear it if it goes on like this."

"What, he's been drinking in the bar?" Lu Yu said aloud.

"Yes, Lu Xiaohua, go and see ah Mo quickly. Ah Mo can't be so decadent anymore. You can make ah Mo cheer up again."

Lu Yu understood that Wu Zeyu wanted her to find Lin mo. he went to drink again.

Thinking of his drinking, Lu Zhen couldn't forgive what he did to himself that night.

"I won't go." Lu zhe turned and left.


Lu Zhen returned home. She began to do her homework, but she was distracted and didn't read a word.

"Sister Pang! Sister Pang!" at this time, Gu charming's cry came to her ears.

Lu Yi quickly regained his mind, "charming, what's the matter?"

"It's not what's wrong with me, but what's wrong with you. Sister Yi, I've called you many times, but you've been in a daze. What are you thinking?" Gu charming looked at her suspiciously.

Lu Yu felt guilty. "I didn't daze. This... This math homework is too difficult for me to write."

Gu charming looked at the math exercises at hand. She really believed it. She thought for a moment and said, "sister Lu, you can't do such a partial subject. Well, I'll find you a math teacher and give you guidance after school every night."

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