Xia Yanyan this voice a shout, immediately two security guards came over, "Miss, what happened here?"

Xia Yanyan pointed to Xia Xiwan, "this woman has no bronzing invitation, but also wants to sneak into the banquet hall and lies about what the headmaster invited her to come here. I think she just wants to make trouble. You should drive her out quickly!"

Xia Yanyan doesn't want to see Xia Xiwan here. Xia Xiwan is not qualified to attend this kind of party. Moreover, Xia Xiwan is still wearing such a beautiful dress. Her naked dress seems to be set for the protagonist. She doesn't want Xia Xiwan to attract any attention.

The two security guards quickly came to Xia Xiwan and said, "Miss, you can't make trouble here. Please leave immediately, or we will do it!"

Looking at Xia Xiwan eating shriveled, Xia Yanyan's heart is free and dripping, she swaggers and says, "wanwan, let's go!"

As soon as the voice dropped, a stern voice suddenly came, "what are you doing here?"

Xia Yanyan looks back, the headmaster Lu Yinyin is here!

Lu Yinyin was followed by Professor Qian.

Xia Yanyan quickly restrained her mind and anger in her eyes, and went forward to explain, "headmaster, let me introduce you. This is my sister Xia Xiwan. The thing is like this. Wanwan didn't have an invitation letter, but he wanted to go in and said that he invited her. Of course, I won't believe this lie. Wan Wan Wan just graduated from high school. How could he possibly know you Well, so I kindly advised wanwan to leave here, just as the security guard came. "

Lu Yinyin looked at Xia Yanyan with a strange look. "What do you say? Did you say Xia Xiwan just graduated from high school?"

Xia Yanyan straightened her back, and her mouth had already drawn a proud arc, but she sighed on the surface, "yes, headmaster, Wan Wan Wan was sent to the countryside since she was a child, so she didn't read any books. Her education is not high. You must not look down on her."

Professor Qian was also surprised to see Xia Xiwan coming. "Xia Xiwan, why are you here? Today is a gathering of medical celebrities. Don't make trouble. I think the students of the little girl's family are also good. I have a little self-esteem. Don't make yourself look too ugly."

Professor Qian is biased against Xia Xiwan because of preconceived reasons. However, Xia Xiwan is graceful and graceful in a long skirt, and the little girl looks very good.

Xia Yanyan felt that the goal had been achieved. She looked at Xia Xiwan complacently, "wanwan, you should go quickly, or the security guard will really drive you out."

At this time, Lu Yinyin stepped forward and announced, "I invited Xia Xiwan. Who dares to drive her out?"


Xia Yanyan is stiff. She widens her eyes and looks at Lu Yinyin in disbelief. Just now she What did she say?

Xia Xiwan is really She invited her?

Lu Yinyin came to Xia Xiwan and said, "Xi Wan, why don't you call me when you come, so that I can meet you."

Xia Xiwan clear Jian Tong looked at Lu Yinyin, "headmaster, I have just arrived, just met an acquaintance, chatted two words."

This acquaintance is of course Xia Yanyan.

Lu Yinyin's cold and displeased eyes flitted past Xia Yanyan's stiff face, then looked at the two security guards and the waiters, "this is the distinguished guest I invited here. You must not look down on others and go down."

"Yes." Everybody stepped down.

Xia Yanyan felt as if she had been slapped in the face, because Lu Yinyin's "dog's eye looks down on others" seems to have been told to her.

Lu Yinyin held Xia Xiwan's hand affectionately and said with a smile, "Xiwan, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I'm really afraid that you won't come. I saw this bright and nude dress at first sight. I thought it was suitable for your elegant and delicate temperament. Xiwan, you are really beautiful tonight."

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