Xia Xiwan smiles, "headmaster, I like this dress very much, thank you."

"If you like, Xiwan. Let's go. I'll take you in to meet some people." Lu Yinyin takes Xia Xiwan's hand and walks in.

Xia Yanyan has been stunned and can't speak at all. Is this the elegant, capable and superior principal she knows?

Xia Xiwan's dress was sent by the headmaster. The headmaster was very indifferent to her. However, her attitude towards Xia Xiwan's dress was quite different.

Xia Yanyan was very proud just now. Now she just felt a basin of cold water.

At this time, Lu Yinyin suddenly stopped and looked at her, "Xi Wan, is this your sister?"

Xia Xiwan, "not pro."

"I'll tell you, how can there be such a big gap between siblings."

Lu Yinyin goes in with Xia Xiwan.

Xia Yanyan is completely frozen in the same place. She can only watch Lu Yinyin bring Xia Xiwan to the bright light. Many famous professors gather here. Lu Yinyin introduces Xia Xiwan to the public. Xia Xiwan is neither humble nor arrogant. She is calm and elegant with low eyes and a smile. She is praised and praised by numerous people.

All of a sudden, Xia Xiwan seems to have become the protagonist of this dinner party.

Xia Yanyan really can feel how Lu Yinyin likes Xia Xiwan, but why, she really can't understand why, how does Xia Xiwan know the principal?

Today, she dressed up carefully and came here full of ambition. Who would like to end up in such a gloomy ending? She also watched Xia Xiwan focus on the light and make a show!

"Tutor, what's going on here? How did the principal and Xia Xiwan know each other?" Xia Yanyan, with a beautiful face, can only ask Professor Qian for help.

Professor Qian herself was shocked. She pondered for a moment and said, "the headmaster once said that she came to Haicheng for a girl this time, isn't it Is this girl Xia Xiwan


Xia Yanyan took a breath of cold air. Did the principal come for the summer evening?

Xia Yanyan has a very bad premonition. She feels that Xia Xiwan seems to have some secrets hidden in her!


In the evening, I'd like to meet someone in the party

"Who is it, headmaster?" Xia Xiwan asked.

Lu Yinyin said mysteriously, "keep secret for the time being. Eh, that person hasn't arrived yet. Wait a moment. I'll call to urge you."

Lu Yinyin looked around and didn't see Lu Zixian. Lu Zixian was not interested in the blind date of this gifted girl, so she didn't come here tonight.

Lu Yinyin walked to one side and quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Lu Zixian's phone.

The melodious mobile phone ring rang once and was picked up. Lu Zixian's cold voice passed over, "Auntie, I won't go tonight."

Lu Yinyin snorted, "you pour direct, don't come if you can't say it. Zixian, that talented girl has come, come here quickly!"

"Aunt, I don't want to go."

"Zixian, my aunt knows that you have high vision and can't look up to ordinary girls. But this girl is really different. You can see that Xiwan is really excellent. My aunt dares to promise that this is the kind of girl you like..."

Lu Yinyin's words have not finished, was directly interrupted by Lu Zixian, "aunt, who do you say, Xia Xiwan?"

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