Lu Lu's face turned white. He really hated her.

Yun'er immediately said, "Mr. Lin, are you crazy? You let our princess jump into the sea. If the princess makes a mistake, can you bear the responsibility?"

Shangguan Mo narrowed his eyes and said carelessly, "your princess can not jump. The door is there. You can go now. No one forces you."


At this time, Lu Yu said in a voice, "Mr. Lin, can you talk to me after I jump?"

Shangguan Mo nodded, "I can give you a chance."

"OK, I'll jump."

Lu Zhen came to the deck. She took off her coat and jumped directly into the vast sea in an elegant and perfect arc.

"Princess!" yun'er was too late to stop it.

"She jumped!"

"She really jumped!"

Those beauties didn't expect Lu to jump without blinking. Everyone was very shocked.

Shangguan Mo's handsome eyebrows and eyes were "brushed" cold at such a moment. It was almost gloomy that they could drip water. She jumped as expected.

In order to protect Rosen and the royal family, she can go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire without even life.

He's going to give her an award. He's really a good wife and a perfect princess.

But what did she do to him?

However, she refused to wear a bikini. She still dressed like a chaste martyr.

Does she think she is still Lu Yu, the girl who was as clean as a piece of white paper five years ago?

Now she is dirty and has already been painted by Rosen.

Shangguan Mo really hates her. If she drowns, she deserves it.

Perhaps aware that he was in a bad mood, the two beauties in their arms immediately picked up their glasses and said, "boss Lin, come on, let's continue drinking and don't waste our time for irrelevant people."

Shangguan Mo stretched out his hand and directly knocked out the wine cup handed by the beauty.


The glass fell to the ground and smashed.

The beauty and ambiguity of the room just now also disappeared.

"Boss Lin, you... Ah!"

The two beauties were surprised and didn't speak. Shangguan Mo had ruthlessly pushed them down from their thighs.

"Get out! You all get out!" Shangguan Mo rolled out a dark voice from his throat and drove them all away.

Those beauties have been scared out of color. They don't know what the man who just indulged in sex said. They turned their faces, but they didn't dare to stay more and ran away.

Shangguan Mo picked up the wine glass, filled himself with a glass of wine, and then filled the second glass.

Soon, yun'er's frightened voice came from outside, "Princess! Princess!"

Shangguan Mo's movement stagnated, and then he quickly got up and came to the deck.

He saw Lu Yu's small head in the sea. She seemed to struggle twice, and then she sank slowly.

"No! No, the princess is drowning. Come on!"

Shangguan Mo doesn't believe Lu Yu will drown. She swims well and can swim since childhood. The sea water can't trap her.

She must be using bitter meat. He won't be fooled.

She's dead.

Shangguan Mo turned and left indifferently.

But after taking a step, he stopped again, and the two big hands hanging on his side pulled into fists, and then slowly released


Lu Yu had a long dream. She dreamed that she jumped into the cold sea. It was so cold.

She could swim since she was a child. At first, she was at ease, but soon her feet were entangled by the water and grass in the sea.

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