She tried her best to get rid of the water grass, but the water grass just got more and more tight.

Slowly she had no strength, and the whole person sank.

Is she dying?

Before the temporary, she thought of Lin mo. he almost died five years ago. That's the feeling.

If this is what he wants, she will pay him for her life.

At this time, a healthy arm, which did not know where it came from, hooped her thin and soft waist, and she was directly pulled into a warm and broad arms.

This hug is so warm and familiar, like a long lost hug from the depths of memory.

"Lu Yu!"

"Lu Yu!"

Someone is calling her.

The voice sounded urgent, full of... Panic, as if afraid of her death.

Lu Kai opened his eyes at once.

"Princess, you finally wake up!" yun'er's face magnified in her sight.

Lu Zhen looked. She was now lying on the bed in a room. She was saved.

"Yun'er, who saved me?" Lu asked.

"It's Mr. Lin."

"Is that him?"

"Yes, princess, when you were about to drown, Mr. Lin jumped down and saved you."

He really saved her. It turned out that it was not a dream just now. It was true.

He was reluctant to let her die.

Lu Yu's dead heart lit up the seeds of fire and hope. She thought of a possibility. Did he... Still love her?

Is it possible for her and him?

Lu Yu has never forgotten him in the past five years. She still loves him deeply. She wants to... Be with him and always be with him.

Five years ago, she didn't mean it. She was charmed by Prince Rosen. If she told him the truth, would he forgive her?

Can he still trust her?

She's going to find him now!

Lu Yu got up.

"Princess, where are you going? Hurry to take a hot bath and change your wet clothes!" yun'er stopped.

Lu zhe didn't listen to yun'er. She went out and happened to see eleven. "Eleven, where is your master now? I want to see him."

"Princess, come with me."

Eleven took Lu Yu to the door of a room, "my master is inside."

Lu Kai opened the door of the room and went in.

This is Shangguan Mo's room. Lu zhe saw him as soon as he entered. Shangguan Mo had just come out of the bathroom. He took a bath. His upper body was naked and his two slender legs were wrapped in black trousers.

His wet short hair lay on his forehead, and several small drops of water rolled down his handsome face, rolled over his raised sexy throat, and then went all the way down from his strong shoulders, strong chest muscles and six abdominal muscles in his waist.

Lu Yu was caught off guard when she saw this picture of a beautiful man out of the bath. Her clean pupils contracted in an instant, and her small face burst red immediately.

Lin Mo was a teenager five years ago.

Five years later, Lin Mo is a man.

Lu Zhen realized for the first time that a man was standing in front of her. He was very mature and handsome, full of male hormones.

His abdominal muscles between his waist, one, two, three, four, five, six pieces, and the perfect inverted triangular Mermaid thread, let people lick the screen.

Lu Lu's eyes didn't know where to put them. "I... I'll come in later."

She turned and was about to leave.

But Shangguan Mo's big hand stretched out, clasped her slender white wrist, pushed her, and directly pushed her down on his big bed.

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