Lu Zhen only felt the earth whirling. As soon as she wanted to get up, her sight became dark and Shangguan ink pressed down.

Shangguan Mo put his hand on her side and looked down at her, "since you're here, why do you want to go again?"

Originally, Lu Yu didn't know where to put his eyes, but now he didn't know where to put his hands. He was afraid of touching him and his strong muscles. "I don't know you're not dressed. Put your clothes on first. I have something to tell you."

Shangguan Mo evil and bad hooked his thin lips, "don't you think it's troublesome to wear it and take it off later?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Zhen didn't understand.

"Princess, do you want to pretend now? You came to my room and staged... Wet temptation. Did you come to talk to me about the stars, the moon, poetry, songs and life philosophy?"

Lu Yu found that she had not changed her wet clothes. She was too anxious to find him. She didn't know how attractive she was now.

Before jumping into the sea, she took off her coat and wore a pink lace skirt. Now the skirt is wet and clinging to her, showing her convex and beautiful body curve incisively and vividly.

"I don't mean that." Lu Zhen quickly blocked his chest with a fiber arm, because she found his eyes staring at her.

Last time in the villa room, his low voice covered her ear and asked her what cup of underwear she was wearing.

Shangguan Mo looked at her. The wet woman was like a banana hit by the rain, adding a kind of tenderness and clarity that could not withstand the wind and rain. Now her covering action also gave birth to some interest of refusing to welcome, and his raised throat rolled up and down immediately.

The crazy interweaving of lust and Yin ducks in her eyes led to his dark eyebrow color. No wonder so many men were waiting for Rosen to stare and close their eyes. Who didn't want to take her beauty for himself?

In the past five years, there have been many men around her. In addition to Rosen, there are many jackals coveting her.

As long as I think of these, the coldness in Shangguan Mo's eyes is a little more.

"That's not what you mean. What do you mean?"

Lu Zhen wanted to have a good talk with him, so she met his eyes, "I have something to tell you about five years ago, when I..."

"Five years ago?" Shangguan Mo interrupted her directly.

"Yes, I did five years ago..."


Shangguan Mo suddenly gave a low smile. He narrowed his narrow eyes and looked at Lu Yu with satire and ridicule, "You finally admit that you don't have amnesia at all. You know who I am. As long as I think of the first princess's righteous words to ask me who I am that night, I will sigh that the princess's acting skills are comparable to Oscar five years ago or five years later. I was almost cheated by you."

Lu Yujie trembled. She knew she had revealed her secret.

But she didn't dare to recognize him that night. She was really afraid.

"Listen to me, five years ago..."

"Enough, don't mention five years ago to me. What qualifications do you have to mention five years ago in front of me!"

His face suddenly became gloomy and ferocious, and a pair of Danfeng eyes were stained with terrible red blood. He stared at her with hatred and disgust.

Lu Zhen felt a pain in her heart, like a knife in.

"Lu Yu, what do you want to tell me now? You shouldn't say you have something difficult to hide. You don't mean to hurt me. Ha ha, ha ha, do you think I was me five years ago? You are the one who is full of eyes. Lin Mo, who is willing to give up everything and drink the poison you handed me, is dead. Now I won't believe your lie!"

"Don't mention to me that five years ago, everything happened. Big a, three, six, nine died, and you killed me yourself. Unless you can make time come back and let everything never happen, Lu Zhen, I will never forgive you!"

Lu Yu's white eyes turned red in an instant. The knife inserted in her heart kept turning and stirring, which made her flesh and blood blurred and painful.

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