Shangguan Mo looked at the blushing female secretary and spilled a word from his thin lips, "roll!"

The female secretary was stiff and said, "... Little master..."

"Why, I don't understand my words. I don't want to see you again in the future." Shangguan Mo said fondly.

The female secretary turned pale. "Young Lord, I can go away, but can you tell me what I did wrong?"

Shangguan Mo's face was cold. "You didn't do anything wrong. Your biggest mistake is... You're a woman!"

"...." the female secretary didn't expect to get such a funny answer. She was dismissed because she was a woman?

The female secretary left sadly.

Shangguan Mo stood in front of the French window and continued to smoke. He didn't know when there was a female secretary around him. It must have been arranged by the elder. In recent years, there was no opposite sex around him, not even a female mosquito.

He was very angry when he remembered her accusation that he was romantic and asked him to find another woman.

She's wronging him!

The original feeling of being wronged is so uncomfortable and oppressed.

However, since she cares so much about whether there is a opposite sex around him, he should pay more attention in the future. He will drive away all the women close to him and won't give her any chance to wrong him.

Shangguan Mo took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "let's put eleven out."

Eleven secretly asks Lu Yu and is punished by him. Now he must release eleven. He needs an assistant, a man.

Soon, the door of the room was pushed open, and eleven came in, "master, I'm back."

"Do you know your mistake?"

Eleven nodded, "I know I'm wrong. I won't dare in the future."

"Now I have something I want you to do."

"What's up?"

"Check the demon Bell Charm of our family."

Demon bell charm?

Hearing these four words, 11 showed a surprised expression, "in the war between Lanlou and the mackerel, Xia Xiwan, the princess of Lanlou, defeated our demon Lingmei skill with her first-hand medical skill. Later, when she was wandering, our demon Lingmei skill almost disappeared. I haven't heard anything in recent years. Why did the master mention the demon Lingmei skill at this time?"

Shangguan Mo frowned, "I suspect that the demon Lingmei skill of our family has long been controlled by the Rosen royal family."


11、 "OK, I'll check it right away."

Then he thought of a question. He asked tentatively, "master, tonight... Are you going back?"

go back?

Shangguan Mo's tone was somber and cold, "I won't go back. Anyway, no one there welcomes me!"

No matter how I heard it, I heard a faint smell of resentment from my master's mouth. Now my master is like a resentful husband who quarreled and ran away from home in anger.

"Master, did you quarrel with Miss Lu?"

In this world, only Lu Yu can affect his master's mind like this. Her smiles and smiles affect his mood, make him happy and worry.

Shangguan Mo snorted coldly, "there was no quarrel. She was unreasonable and drove me out!"

11、 "..."

Then Shangguan Mo angrily pulled his fist, "this time, if she doesn't take the initiative to admit her mistake and don't invite me back, I won't go back!"

Shangguan ink decided to carry out the cold war to the end.


Eleven has been stunned. Is this still his wise, powerful, deep and wise master? No, absolutely not!

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