Shangguan Mo has loved Lu Yu for many years. He never forgets it after a glance. Although he has been separated for several years, Lu Yu has always been his favorite girl. The two have cooked rice, but Shangguan Mo has always felt in love with Lu Yu.

"OK, master, I'll step down." eleven left quickly.


Shangguan Mo stayed in his private villa for several days, but Lu Yu didn't take the initiative to contact him.

Shangguan Mo opened her cell phone. She neither sent him a message nor called him. What does she mean?

Shangguan Mo wants to rush back and beat her up now. He really wants to open her heart and see if she has him in her heart. Isn't she afraid that he really goes out to find a woman?

Shangguan Mo dialed a phone, and soon the voice of 11 came, "Hello, master, what can I do for you?"

"How's the young leader of the western regions?"

"The young Lord of the western regions was very angry after he was locked up by us. Now he is on hunger strike against us. Let's let him out."

Hunger strike?

How childish!

Shangguan Mo drew a shallow and sarcastic arc on his thin lips, "give a word to Lu Yu, saying that the young master of the western regions fainted on a hunger strike. We didn't invite a doctor for him, and we didn't intend to care about his life or death."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"She regards the young leader of the western regions as a friend. She will definitely call and beg me!"

11、 "..."


Lu Zhen was bored in the room for a few days. Now she and shangguanmo fell into an impasse. He didn't believe her. Everything she said and did was wrong.

At this time, the maid's voice came outside the door, "have you heard that the young master of the western regions fainted on a hunger strike?"

"Yes, I also heard that the master didn't invite a doctor, regardless of the young master of the western regions."

"Ouch, the young leader of the western regions is really pathetic. He walked in and went out sideways alone."

What happened to the young leader of the western regions?

Lu Zhen's heart tightened and quickly opened the door of the room. She said to the maid, "the young masters of the western regions fainted. Why don't you ask a doctor?"

"Miss Lu, we are just servants. The doctor must ask the master to relax. Call the master if you have something to do."

She called him again. Lu Yu didn't want to call. She was afraid that another woman would answer it like the last time.

But she is the one who has implicated the little Lord of the western regions. She can't let the little Lord of the western regions have an accident.

Lu Zhen could only pick up the landline and dialed shangguanmo's phone number again.

The bell rang again, the phone at that end was picked up, and Shangguan Mo's low magnetic voice slowly passed over, "hello."

Lu Xuan curled up her white fingertips and tightened the microphone.

"Why don't you talk, mute? Call me when you want to say something." the Shangguan Mo at the end was impatient and wanted to hang up.

"Shangguan Mo, I have something to tell you. The young leader of the western regions fainted during his hunger strike. Can you please call him a doctor?" Lu Yu said in one breath.

The senior official murmured for a few seconds. "Did you call me for the little Lord of the western regions?"

"I'm just friends with the young leader of the western regions..."

"Lu Lu, are you begging me now?"

Lu Yu compromised, "yes, I'm begging you."

"It's not easy to ask people to do things. You have to show your sincerity, Lu Lu. Do you know how to ask people?" Shangguan Mo hinted.

Lu Yubei bit his red lips with his teeth and probably understood what he meant.

"I'll go back tonight and see your performance." Shangguan Mo hung up the phone.

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