Then she poured into Shangguan Mo's arms.

Shangguan Mo Dang immediately reached out and fished Lu Yu in his arms. He asked nervously, "what's the matter? Why is he dizzy? Is he uncomfortable?"

"My stomach seems a little hungry..."

Shangguan Mo pinched her little nose, "are you really hungry?"

"I have low blood sugar. If I'm hungry, it's easy to get dizzy if I don't eat." Lu Zhen blinked Yujie and tried to pretend - look at me, look at me, I'm not lying.

Shangguan Mo said, "then I'll take you to dinner now. What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Want to eat... Seafood."



Shangguan Mo really took Lu Yu to have a seafood dinner. Lu Yu had something on her mind. Her sister, who had disappeared for five years, suddenly heard from her. She always had a very bad hunch.

She wants to get in touch with her sister. First, she wants to see the current situation of her sister and second, she wants to remind her that there is danger here.

But think about it, she gave up. Now she has limited action and is afraid of bad things.

In fact, no news is the best news. Just let her stay happy and settle down where they don't know. It's the best love for her.

Lu Yu figured it out. Under the feeding of Shangguan Mo, she ate her small belly roundly.

When they walked back to the hotel hand in hand, they just wanted to enter the hotel hall. At this time, there was a commotion in their ears.

The security personnel of the hotel are out, "go, go, go, there's a towering big man coming, we're going to clean up."

Security drove everyone out and quickly pulled out a cordon.

Shangguan Mo stood on the steps holding Lu Yu's small hand. At this time, there was a "crash", and several Jeep fan floats galloped from afar.

The car drove very fast, extremely arrogant, raising dust all the way.

Lu Lu subconsciously blocked his eyes with his small hand, because the light projected from the car was too dazzling.

Shangguan Mo stretched out his hand and protected Lu's small face in his arms. Lu looked up again. She saw a word "H" on several jeeps.


Zhang Han.

Lu Lu knows that this is an old friend.

It's said that Zhang Han has become the king in the south. It's really a good school with such a big show!

"Look, King Han is coming!"

"Run, don't look, stay away from King Han."

"I seem to smell the blood on King Han. Don't get into trouble."

All of a sudden, everyone ran away, leaving only Shangguan Mo and Lu Yu.

At this time, several jeeps stopped. Before the driver could drive, the co pilot's door was opened, and a handsome and tall body jumped directly from the car.

The heavy black military boots fell on the ground and made a dull sound. Up there were long legs wrapped in camouflage pants, and a belt was tied at random around the waist. There was a white T on it. Zhang Han came.

Five years later, Zhang Han's handsome face became more and more deep and strong. He cut a short inch of his head, publicity and unruly, rebellious to the bone.

Zhang Han stood at the foot of the steps, his hands in his trouser pockets and chewing gum. He looked up and smiled, "brother-in-law, long time no see."

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