Zhang Han snorted coldly, "it's not cheap to kill you like this. You've been happy outside for five years. You don't know your identity. It doesn't matter. I'll remind you well."

Then Zhang Han asked to unbutton her clothes again.

"Zhang Han, don't you think I'm dirty? I used to be your father's woman. How can you say... You're in love with me?"

What did she say?

This sentence completely angered Zhang Han. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin buran's neck.

Lin buran suddenly felt short of oxygen and difficult to breathe. Her fragile neck was vulnerable in his strong hand. As long as he twisted it gently, it could be broken.

Zhang Han's eyes were scarlet. He stared at Lin Buzhan's red face and said ruthlessly, "do I treat you as a person? At best, you are a double. It's a blessing for you to look like her for several generations!"

"She's not as cunning and licentious as you. She's the most simple, holy and beautiful girl in the world. You don't deserve to lift her shoes!"

"How can I fall in love with you? You'd better wake up as soon as possible and stop daydreaming!"

Lin buran just wants to stimulate him and annoy him. She doesn't want to be humiliated and abused by him again.

She never thought that he would fall in love with her. Now, after listening to him, she found that he was really infatuated. She almost applauded him.

But why should he pay for his love with that girl?

Do you want to be a double because you look like me?

How cruel is Zhang Han? In order to get her, he designed to sell her into the bar, let someone break her leg, and then imprisoned her. Has he ever thought that she is the most innocent and painful person behind their wonderful love story.

She really can't feel how beautiful this love is.

Lin buran could breathe less and less oxygen, but she didn't beg for mercy. She wouldn't beg for mercy.

She looked at him with wide eyes and kept watching.

When Lin buran felt that she was about to die, she suddenly heard a string of melodious cell phone ringtones. She called.

Zhang Han has lost his mind. He also wakes up when he hears the mobile phone ring. His eyes fall on Lin buran's mobile phone.

Lin buran's mobile phone fell to the ground. Now the caller ID is on, with two words on it --- husband.

Lin buran's husband Ren Dong called.

Zhang Han slowly released his hand.

Fresh air came to her nose. Lin buran collapsed on the ground and choked tears. She coughed up and was very embarrassed.

At this time, Zhang Han stretched out his big hand and went to get her mobile phone.

Lin buran's pupil shrinks and immediately grabs her mobile phone and hides it behind her. She sticks to the wall and looks at the man in front of her very vigilantly, "don't touch my mobile phone. What do you want to do?"


In Zhang Han's mind, the two words "husband" he just saw, "are you married?"

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