
Lin buran received the news of Ren Dong's accident at home. She quickly rushed to the scene of the accident.

The police have arrived and tortured the people in black who committed the crime. Ren Dong is taking notes with the police.

"Ren Dong, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lin Bu ran over and looked at Ren Dong nervously.

Ren Dong touched Lin's undyed long hair, "wife, I'm fine. Didn't I ask you not to come over? Everything has been handled."

Lin buran looks at Ren Dong's luxury car, which is worth tens of millions. It has always been his favorite car. Unexpectedly, it has been burned into a pile of scrap iron.

Lin buran's eyes fell on the people in black again. The people in black were tortured, but they were not afraid at all. Instead, they laughed wildly, "Ren Dong, this is your wife? Your wife is really beautiful. She doesn't get along with you. Do you know her past? She has been slept and played by other men before. Are you a disc catcher?"

Ren Dong's face immediately changed, "what are you talking about? Put your mouth clean!"

Ren Dong rushed up and wanted to beat those people in black.

But Lin Bu ran grabbed Ren Dong. She whispered, "forget it, these people are desperate gangsters. Don't care what they say. They're not worth it."

Ren Dong reluctantly endured his temper. He protected Lin buran in his arms, "OK, wife, let's go home."


In the room, Ren Dong went to take a bath. Lin buran lay in bed, but she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

She was almost certain that this series of things were planned by someone, and who else could be behind the scenes except Zhang Han, the madman?

Zhang Han began to retaliate against the people around her.

At this time, Ren Dong took a good bath and came out. He opened the quilt and lay beside Lin buran, "wife, what's on your mind?"

"Well, I'm worried about you."

"Fool, it's a man's business. Don't worry about it," said Ren Dong, bowing his head and kissing Lin's untainted forehead. "If you really can't sleep, let's do some entertainment."

Ren Dong's fingers moved down and landed on Lin buran's buttons.

At this time, Lin Bu ran stretched out his hand and pressed Ren Dong's finger.

Ren Dong stopped to look at her and asked carefully, "wife, can't I?"

He and Lin butran have been married for two years. In the eyes of outsiders, they are very loving. No one will know that they have no real husband and wife.

He hasn't touched Lin buran.

Lin buran's face was a little pale and her hands and feet began to cool. She looked at the man on her and took a deep breath to adjust herself. "I can, you can continue."

Ren Dong continues to untie Lin's dyed buttons.

Lin buran's whole body is stiff. She reminds herself again and again that she has gone out of the past. Now her husband is Ren Dong. He is gentle and considerate, tolerates all her past, and takes her hand to the other side of happiness.

In the past three years, she was very happy. From the moment she agreed to his proposal, she vowed to be a good wife.

Now she is fulfilling her husband and wife obligations. She must do so, or it will be unfair to Ren Dong.

Lin buran kept breathing deeply, and she closed her eyes.

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