"Zhang Han, don't beat around the bush. I know you did all these things. Come on, what do you want to do?"

"Ranran, do you have to force me to say it? Of course I want to... Fuck... You."

Lin Bu ran turned pale. He still couldn't let her go. He still wanted to imprison her and turn her into a plaything without dignity.

But she is human.

"Ranran, I know I was bad five years ago, which made you afraid of me. I already know I'm wrong. Don't worry. Now I won't force you. I'll wait for you to come to me!"

With that, Zhang Han hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy sound of "Dudu", Lin buran's heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley. He is so confident and determined that there must be worse things waiting for Ren Dong.

She knows the devil too well. He won't give up until he reaches his goal.

It was very cold late at night. Lin buran's hands and feet were cold without a trace of temperature. She stretched out her fiber arm and hugged herself.


As Lin buran thought, things went to a worse side. Lin buran got the news and Ren Dong was taken away for investigation.

A listed company had two lives, and the boss was caught. Once the news broke out, the company would not be far from bankruptcy.

The public relations department of the company worked overtime and finally covered the news. Lin buran rushed to the police station to visit Ren Dong, but he was rejected.

Lin Bu ran knows that these are a dense net, which is sprinkled by Zhang Han. She wants to trap her.

Ren Dong doesn't know if his life is in danger.

If anything happens to Ren Dong because of her, she will never forgive herself.

Lin buran immediately drove to Zhang Han's residence. It was her first time here.

Zhang Han is now in a high position and has long dominated the party. She had heard of his reputation before. Now when she came to his residence, she saw that he was the king who lived here.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" the housekeeper came out.

"I'm looking for your master Zhang Han."

The housekeeper was surprised when Lin buran called the master's name, "Miss, do you have an appointment? King Han is not what you want to see."

"I don't want to see him either. He forced me to come, so I have to come. Get out of the way!" Lin buran rushed in directly.

In the living room, she saw Zhang Han at a glance. Zhang Han leaned lazily on the sofa, surrounded by several graceful beauties.

The beauties beat his back and pinched his shoulders, and peeled grapes and fed them directly to him---

"King Han, is my service comfortable? You haven't turned over my brand for some time. Can you let me sleep tonight? People miss you."

"Han Wang, I'm not feeling well. My heart beats very fast. Come and touch it. It's here."

"Han Wang, don't you think I'm the best dancer? I've just learned a new dance. Come to my room tonight and I'll show you alone."

In ancient times, men embraced each other and enjoyed the happiness of the whole people, but Zhang Han could not hold both hands of the beauties here. Those beauties tried their best to please him and were jealous. Zhang Han squinted and enjoyed all this.

Lin buran almost vomited. She had long heard that he had a powerful harem. When she saw him today, it deserved its reputation.

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