Lin buran was surprised and immediately struggled, "what are you doing? There are people outside. Don't leave traces on me. Let me go quickly!"

Zhang Han was fearless, overbearing and arrogant. "What are you afraid of? You have to see other people's faces when you make out with me? Even if they are here, I dare to perform live."

"You and Ren Dong had better behave yourself. If I know his hand is on you, I'll abolish him. Do you believe it?"

He threatened coldly.

"I know, I know, let go of me!" Lin buran pushed Zhang Han open and ran away from the door.

As soon as he escaped outside, Lin buran saw Ren Dong. Ren Dong looked at her coming out of Zhang Han's room in disheveled clothes, and immediately her eyes were red and pulled into a fist. He wanted to rush into the room and fight with Zhang Han.

But Lin Bu ran grabbed Ren Dong and whispered, "Ren Dong forget it, you can't fight him."

Since Zhang Han entered here, it has been surrounded by full powers. As long as Zhang Han is unhappy, there will be a river of blood here. Lin buran doesn't want Ren Dong to make useless sacrifices.

"Do I think I'm afraid of him? You're my wife. I'm not afraid of him at all. It's a big deal to risk my life!" Ren Dong roared in a low voice.

At this time, the door opened directly. Zhang Han copied his hands into his trouser pockets and leaned lazily on the door frame. He looked at Ren Dong faintly, "boy, do you want to find me?"

Zhang Han's arrogant appearance lit a fire. Ren Dong immediately wanted to rush up, but Lin buran pulled him, "Ren Dong, don't be impulsive. Think about your parents. Your parents are downstairs now!"

When it comes to parents, Ren Dong's eyes are loose and free. He is the only child in the family. His parents are undoubtedly the biggest weakness in his heart.

Ren Dong shook off Lin buran's hand and strode back to his room.

"Ren Dong!" Lin Bu ran chased up.

Zhang Han watched the two figures disappear one after another. How did he feel that Lin buran ran ran after Ren Dong without looking at him? The picture was very dazzling?



Lin buran was lying in bed. At this time, he was heavy and someone pressed him up. It was Ren Dong.

"Ren Dong, what are you doing?" Lin Bu ran immediately raised his small hand against his chest and wanted to push him away.

Ren Dong looked at her. "You are my wife. Can't I touch you? I want you to fulfill your husband and wife obligations tonight."

Husband and wife obligations?

Lin buran doesn't want to fulfill her husband and wife, but doesn't want to be in this situation, and Zhang Han's warning and threat is still in her ears. She really doesn't dare to let Ren Dong touch herself.

"Ren Dong, it's late today. Let's go to bed first."

Ren Dong snorted coldly, "why can Zhang Han, but I can't. I must get you tonight."

Then Ren Dong began to violently tear Lin Bu Ran's clothes.

Lin buran struggled, "Ren Dong, don't do this. If Zhang Han knows..."

"Enough, shut up and don't mention his name. I hate that you always mention the names of other men under me!" Ren Dong roared, then raised his hand and slapped Lin buran's face.


Lin butran was slapped in the face and missed the whole face.

At this time, Ren Dong stopped. He was shocked and looked at Lin buran's red and swollen palm print on his face, and then looked at his hand unbelievably. He couldn't believe that he beat Lin buran.

He is not such a person. When did he become a domestic violence man who beat his wife.

However, these are forced by her. No man can accept his wife wearing a green hat again and again!

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