As soon as Ren Dong's pupil shrinks, his face changes, "wife, you want to divorce me. Why?"

Lin buran looked at him, "Ren Dong, let go. We won't be happy together. I will only bring disaster and pain to you and your parents. Divorce, so that your life can return to the normal track..."

"Do you already know that I have someone outside?" Ren Dong interrupted Lin buran.

Lin Bu ran paused for a moment, then nodded honestly, "I know."

"When did you know?"

"When you came back from the bar that day, I smelled the perfume of a woman on your shirt, and then I guessed it."


Ren Dong suddenly smiled, "how much do you know, do you know all?"

"Yes, the girl outside is pregnant with your child, isn't she?"

Ren Dong was so angry that he wanted to laugh, "you already know. I've been afraid you know, so I've been hiding it from you these days. Now think about it. I'm really funny. You don't care at all, even if you don't care at all."

Lin Bu ran frowned, "Ren Dong, don't do this, we..."

Ren Dong held Lin buran's shoulder. "Do you know what's the coldest in my heart? It's your indifference. You're my wife. I'm your husband. Your husband cheated and even pregnant women outside, but you didn't listen and didn't respond at all."

"How I wish you could beat me and scold me now and make a scene like a bitch, which at least proves that you have me in your heart. You like me. You see how ridiculous the reason for your divorce is. You don't want to divorce because of my cheating. You divorce because you don't want to drag me down. How virtuous and generous my wife is. Do I want to thank you?"

Lin buran screwed up Xiumei. She knew what Ren Dong was frustrated about. However, when she knew him and Tang Fang, she was sad, but she was not jealous.

She couldn't control her heart, and she knew she didn't fall in love with Ren Dong.

"Ren Dong, divorce is for your own good. Look at you. You've become a different person. If you go on like this, you'll be destroyed..."

"Enough, stop talking!" Ren Dong interrupted Lin buran. "I won't divorce. The reason you give is not enough. I'll divorce you. You'd better give up the idea."

With that, Ren Dong left.

Lin buran, "..."


Lin buran resumed his work and began to design clothes. At this time, there was a noise downstairs, as if an unexpected guest had arrived.

Lin Bu ran went out of the door. She saw Tang Fang downstairs.

Tang Fang was wearing a loose skirt and was a beautiful young girl. "Where's Mrs. Ren? I want to see Mrs. Ren!"

The maid stopped, "girl, who are you? You can't break in. It's a private house."

"I want to see Mrs. Ren. I have something very important to tell Mrs. Ren."


The news here quickly attracted the attention of Ren's parents. Two old people came out, "this girl, who are you looking for? What can I do for you?"

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