Lin buran was surprised by his sudden dizziness, and quickly put his hand around his neck.


Zhang Han picked his sword eyebrow and smiled in a low voice, very happy.

Lin Bu ran immediately pulls back his hand and doesn't hug him. "You put me down. I have legs and can go by myself."

Zhang Han is overbearing, "put your arms around my neck."


"Say no, I'll throw you out!" Zhang Han threatened to throw her out.

Lin butran quickly hugged his neck in fear.

At this time, his men said, "boss, how do you deal with these people?"

Tang Wang trembled with fear. "Plop" knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, "King Han, please forgive me. I didn't know that the flood washed the Dragon King temple. If I knew it was you Buddha, I wouldn't dare to borrow courage from heaven."

Zhang Han narrowed his eyes, "throw him out to feed the dog."

Tang Wang felt his pants wet and he was scared to pee.

At this time, Lin Bu ran said, "don't deal with him first, keep him."

Tang Wang and Tang Fang are partners. She must keep Tang Wang first.

"OK, Ranran, I'll listen to you. Let's keep his dog's life for a few days."


Lin Bu ran went to the hospital for a general examination. There were sleeping pills in the glass of milk. She was only slightly injured.

In the corridor, Lin butran meets Tang Fang, Ren Dong and Ren's parents who also come for a physical examination.

Tang Fang held Ren Dong tightly. "President Ren, my stomach is uncomfortable. Is there something wrong with the baby?"

Ren Dong was expressionless. He was worried about Lin buran. The police should have rushed there. She must have been saved.

But thinking of Lin buran's iron, he wanted to divorce himself. He was cold and affectionate. He felt a burst of irritability.

Ren Dong wanted to take back his arm. "The doctor has said that your baby is fine. Don't cry any more."

"But my stomach is uncomfortable. President Ren, I'm afraid. You stay with me. Don't go." Tang Fang thought in her heart that the time was almost up. Lin buran should be solved by her brother. At this time, she had to trap Ren Dong around herself.

Ren's father and mother are very concerned about the child in Tang Fang's belly, "a Dong, Tang Fang is now a pregnant woman, and the child in her belly is also your child. You don't go anywhere, just stay here with Tang Fang."

"Yes, this is our grandson, your first child. You can't make a mistake."

Ren Dong frowned. At this time, he looked up and saw Lin buran in front of him.

Tang Fang and Ren's parents looked down his eyes and saw Lin buran. The expressions on several faces were different.

Ren Dong immediately took back his arm. He walked to Lin buran, "..."

Soon, Ren Dong stepped forward, because Lin buran came out with a tall and handsome figure behind him, and Zhang Han appeared.

Zhang Han stretched out his hand and put a coat over Lin buran's shoulder. "What are you looking at?"

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