Lin buran raised his red lips. "Because of a girl's word, you ligate yourself and cut off your children and grandchildren. I have been moved by your love, so I applaud for you."

Zhang Han heard the sarcasm in her tone. He frowned and was a little unhappy. Ran Ran Ran has always been a taboo in his heart. He never took it out and said it to others. However, he shared it with Lin buran just now.

The point is, she dared to laugh at him.

Zhang Han reached out and pinched her slapped face. "Are you jealous?"

"I didn't." Lin Bu ran pushed his big palm and picked up his pencil. "I want to work. Go to bed first."


She wants to work and let him sleep first?

Zhang Han laughed angrily. He grabbed the pen in her hand and pushed her down on the soft carpet. "We'll work later and let's do it again."


Lin buran glared at Zhang Han. She didn't understand why Urana was tangled about her children before she died. She should let Zhang Han defend herself for her and don't harm other women.

"You let go of me... HMM!"

Lin buran knows that she is doomed not to finish her work tonight.


The next day, Lin buran didn't wake up until three poles in the morning. Zhang Han beside him had gone.

Lin buran was sore all over and had no strength at all. She admired Zhang Han's physical strength. He tossed several times last night, but he was still alive in the morning. His body was the same as iron.

Lin buran finished his work quickly, and then went to the garden to take a breath. At this time, several beauties talked behind his back.

"Look at her. King Han spoiled her last night. She is a married woman. I really don't know her charm?"

"You don't understand this. A married woman is a treasure. We won't. She will. How can a man resist this?"

"Goblin! Fox! Shameless!"

When Lin buran Quan didn't hear these words, she turned and left.

At this time, a beauty covered her heart and bent down to vomit.

"Qiu Niang, what's the matter with you? Why did you throw up?"

This Qiu Niang is older. She is as gentle as water. She is also kind to others and has a good relationship with everyone.

Now Qiu Niang bends down and vomits, and everyone surrounds her.

Qiu Niang smiled awkwardly, "I have nothing to do. Maybe I have a bad stomach."

"Qiu Niang, it's still important for your health. Let's hurry to find a doctor!"


Soon, the doctor came and examined qiuniang. "According to my diagnosis, you are... Pregnant."

The doctor diagnosed qiuniang as pregnant.


The crowd took a breath of air-conditioning, and their faces changed greatly.

Lin buran was also surprised, because Zhang Han said that he had been ligated last night, and someone was pregnant today.

With her understanding of Zhang Han, ligation is ligation, no ligation is no ligation, and he won't lie about it.

How did Qiu Niang get pregnant?

Qiu Niang's face was red and very shy. "Some time ago, Han Wang often turned over my brand and went to my room more frequently. I didn't expect to be pregnant so soon."

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