Zhang Han examined the authenticity of her words, and then bowed his head and kissed her red lips. "Isn't that better? I only take a ladle of water to drink. With me, no one dares to touch you."

Three thousand weak waters, only one scoop?

Lin buran looked at him and joked, "King Han, why don't you dissolve the harem for me? Isn't that a good thing?"

Zhang Han didn't speak. The atmosphere between the two people came down, depressed and silent.

Lin buran took the lead in breaking the silence. "I played a joke with King Han. I know how many kilograms I have. Don't take King Han seriously."

With that, Lin buran pushed Zhang Han away and continued painting.

Zhang Han glanced at her, then got up and went into the bathroom.

There came the sound of "clattering" water. He was taking a shower. At this time, Lin buran heard a great movement downstairs. She didn't want to meddle in her own business, so she didn't intend to listen, but she seemed to hear Qiu Niang's voice.

"King Han! King Han!"

Qiu Niang is calling Zhang Han.

Lin buran put down her brush and got up. She went to the balcony and saw that the lights were bright downstairs. A group of men in black grabbed Qiu Niang and directly stuffed her into the black van regardless of her pregnant body.

Although Lin bunran doesn't know where they are taking Qiu Niang, there must be no good end to this rude scene.

Qiu Niang's face was pale and her eyes were filled with tears. She tried her best to grasp the frame of the van and didn't want to get on the bus, "King Han! King Han! Please let me go. I'm your child in my stomach!"

"King Han, tiger poison doesn't eat children. You can kill me, but please spare the child. I don't want anything. I just want to give the child a way to live!"

Lin buran screwed up her eyebrows. Tang Fang also staged this show not long ago, but Tang Fang had no love for her children. Some were just cold calculations and utilization.

But qiuniang is different. Qiuniang loves her children very much and looks like a good mother.

Lin buran's hands and feet are cold, without a trace of temperature.

At this time, a coat was draped over her shoulder, and Zhang Han's voice came over her head, "it's windy here. Go in."

Zhang Han came out after taking a bath.

Lin Bu ran turns to look at Zhang Han, "what are you going to do with Qiu Niang and her children?"

Zhang Han didn't care about his lips, like talking about the weather, "I don't like others to get into trouble and trouble for me, so I can only kill them..."


So cruel?

"But, Qiu Niang's stomach is your child..."

"You forgot, I ligated."

"Ligation can't guarantee 100% contraception. If qiuniang really has your child in her stomach..."

"I said, I ligated. What does it have to do with me whether someone is pregnant or my child?" Zhang Han directly interrupted her.

Lin buran's heart is cold. Yes, she forgot. His favorite girl, Ranran, once said that his children can only live with her, and no one else can.

In front of Urana, in front of absolute first love and white moonlight, they are mole ants.

Lin buran is not a flood of compassion. She is just afraid, because she seems to see her future. When Zhang Han has a new feeling for herself, she will die of old age in this extravagant harem. If she gets pregnant unfortunately, she will die of a corpse and two lives under someone else's stick.

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