Lin buran leaned aside and ignored him.

Zhang Han reached out to lift her quilt.

Lin butran was very angry and impatient. He stretched out his hand and hit him, "you should be satisfied. Don't bother me again!"

At this time, Zhang Han's handsome face just came together. Lin buran slapped him in the face.


The crisp slap sounded, and both of them were stunned.

Zhang Han is used to being overbearing and strong. No one has ever dared to hit him in the face, even though he hasn't been beaten by Lin buran twice, oh, three times... He can't remember clearly.

Lin butran looked at him and his gloomy face froze. She didn't want to slap him in the face. She was just careless.

He has so many means of torture that she can't pluck the tiger's head well.

However, Lin butran didn't apologize. Would he be beaten if he wasn't a beast just now?

"Lin buran, you've become more and more bold recently. You don't even understand the rules!" Zhang Han scolded in a deep voice.

Lin buran snorted and continued to turn his back on him.

Zhang Han was so angry, "then lie down and I'll go!"

Zhang Han got up and left, slammed the door and left.

Let's go.

Lin buran closed his eyes and enjoyed the pure moment.

But soon the maid knocked on the door, "Miss Lin, it's time for breakfast."

Lin Bu ran didn't move. "I have no appetite and don't want to eat."

The maid added, "Miss Lin, as the master said just now, there are important guests visiting today, like... Shangguan young master..."


Lin buran suddenly opens her eyes. Her brother Lin Mo is coming.

"Miss Lin, the master said that if you don't have breakfast, you don't need to go down to see the guests. You can stay in your room and rest all the time."

Lin Bu ran opened the quilt and got out of bed. "Where's breakfast? I eat it. I'm very hungry!"


Lin Bu ran ate a lot of breakfast and fed his belly round.

She went downstairs and soon saw two familiar figures in the living room. Shangguan Mo and Lu Zhen came.

Lin Bu Ran's face showed a happy look and hurried downstairs, "ah Mo, Ho Ho, are you coming?"

"Sister buran, are you all right?" Lu zhe came forward and took Lin buran's hand with concern.

Lin Bu ran nodded sincerely. She was really happy, "OK, I'm fine."

Shangguan Mo also came over. He called, "sister."

Although he is not her own brother, but those years of dependence are true, two people are closer than their own siblings.

Lin is not dyed white. Her eyes are red. She hasn't seen her for years. Her brother has already grown up. She feels proud of her.

Zhang Han looked at Lin's eyes, which were not dyed red, and the happiness he showed at the moment. He felt a little unhappy. She hadn't been so happy in front of him. Wasn't he good to her?

He drinks and treats her delicious every day. When he is ill, he takes care of her. When he is unhappy, he slaps her. Where did he lose? Zhang Han is really puzzled?

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