Shangguan Mo took Lu Yu's little hand and walked to the street. In the past five years, he and she have been busy. It is rare that when they press the road leisurely, they travel by special bus. In the past, they used to walk on the street or in their high school, and now the time is precious.

"Mrs. Shangguan." then Shangguan Mo shouted.


Lu Zhen is not used to this title, although she is already his Shangguan wife.

Of course, it can also be his Mrs. Lin.

"Mr. Shangguan, what do you want me to do?"

"I just want to ask, when will you change your mouth?"

"Change? Change what?"

"What do you think? Who am I now? What do you think is more appropriate to call me?" Shangguan Mo hinted.

Lu Yi quickly thought of two words, but her red lips hooked and smiled shyly.

Um... I'm really sorry

Shangguan Mo pinched her little hand and urged, "Mrs. Shangguan, call her husband to listen."


Just now what she thought was "husband". By coincidence, what he wanted to hear was also "husband".


"Really not?"


Shangguan Mo reached out and caught her in his arms, "really don't you want a wife?"


He whispered in her ear and called her wife.

His voice is so gentle that it's really nice to call her wife, especially magnetic.

Lu Lu blushed. "I... I'll call later."

Shangguan Mo saw that she was thin skinned, so he didn't force her. He patted himself on the back, "come on, I'll carry you."

"I can go by myself."

"Come up."

Lu Zhen didn't delay any more. She climbed onto Shangguan Mo's back impolitely. As soon as Shangguan Mo lifted her hand, she easily picked her up.

Lu Yi hugged his neck with two small hands and lay happily on his shoulders. How I hope that such a time will never end. There will never be a terminal on this road.

"Husband" Lu zhe called softly close to his ear.

Shangguan Mo hooked his lips, "the voice is too low. Speak louder."




Lu Zhen really shouted there, which attracted the attention of many passers-by.

However, Lu Yu wandered happily, and her happiness almost overflowed. She shouted, "husband"

Then he shouted a lot, "husband! Husband! Husband!"

Shangguan Mo Mei's eyes were gentle and rippling. He praised, "it's really nice to call."

It sounds better than he dreamed.

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