
Shangguan Mo quickly snorted, "sister, it hurts."

"Now I know it hurts. Who made you angry?" Lin buran didn't let go.

At this time, Zhang Han said, "Ranran, let go quickly and give my brother-in-law some face. You see, there are people here. People will laugh at it when it comes out."

It's okay not to mention this. Lin buran gets angry when she mentions this. She stares at Zhang Han angrily, "you're okay to talk. You brought my brother down."


Zhang Han is stupid. Didn't he scold his brother-in-law? Why did he scold him together?

Lin buran looked at the childe brothers and the place full of lights, wine and smoke, "My brother usually doesn't smoke or drink, and he won't come to such a place. You must have brought him here. Look at all these evil friends. They say that those who get close to each other are red and those who get close to each other are black. My brother doesn't learn well with you. I think I don't care about him now, and he will make a harem for me like you in the future!"

Zhang Han, "..." wronged.

"No, dye me..."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear you now!" Lin buran scolded Zhang Han.

Zhang Han tutted his mouth and closed his mouth reluctantly.

Those childe brothers were stunned. Just now their card table was overturned by the little princess Lu Yu. The princess was so angry that she didn't expect that there were strong players in Qiang Zhong. Lin buran was more powerful than Princess Lu Yu.

Shangguan Mo was helpless. Zhang Han really shut up. The brothers seemed to have handled the two women properly.

At this time, some people appeared by the door. Zhang Han quickly whispered, "brother-in-law, look, your father-in-law and the president's brother are coming."


Shangguan Mo looked up. Lu Hanting, Lu Chenyi and his son were standing outside the door. They were followed by several powerful leaders. They should have come here to talk about things.

Shangguan Mo was nervous for no reason. His father-in-law was the richest man in the world, and his eldest brother was the president. No matter which one came out alone, his combat effectiveness exploded.

He didn't deal with the Lu family. Now he happens to meet him in such a chaotic scene. It's really bad enough.

Lin Bu ran quickly loosened Shangguan Mo's ears. After all, in front of her in laws, she must give her brother some face.

"Eh, Mr. Lu, President Lu, isn't this Shangguan young master? It seems that he is the person Princess Yu likes and your Lu family's prospective son-in-law." a big man smiled.

Lu Hanting's eyes fell on Shangguan Mo, looked up and down, and then frowned slightly, as if his father-in-law was a little dissatisfied with his son-in-law.

Lu Chenyi said with a smile, "my sister is a child by nature. She likes him today and may like you tomorrow. The first thing for the Lu family to choose a son-in-law is to investigate her character."

Lin buran secretly pinched a sweat for Shangguan mo. the implication of President Lu seems to be that her brother's character is not good.


"Yes, yes, President Lu is right. People like Princess Xi must choose a person with excellent family background and personality to match princess Xi."

"But with Lu's family background, I think it's hard for anyone in the world to match it. No matter who it is, it's high."

Lu Chenyi raised his thin lips. "If you have any excellent young talents around you, you can introduce them to my sister. How about a blind date?"

Several big men's eyes lit up, "President Lu, you said that. Don't go back on it."


Lu Hanting and Lu Chenyi left with a group of big men.

Shangguan Mo's heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley. He knows he's playing big this time.

Lin buran hates iron and doesn't become steel. He looks at Shangguan Mo, "have a look for yourself. You have offended the Lu family before you marry her. I think your father-in-law and brother are quite dissatisfied with you. You have grown up and don't listen to your sister. I don't care about you. I'm gone. You do it yourself."

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