Now is the critical period of his treatment. Lu Zhen really doesn't want to be distracted by these things.

She couldn't give birth before, but now she can't give birth, but she didn't dare to tell him.

She must find a way to solve the current dilemma.


Shangguan Mo was working in his study. At this time, the knock on the door sounded. He was in a bad mood. He quickly raised his thin lips and spit out a thin and indifferent word, "get out!"

Knock, knock.

The people outside the door not only didn't roll, but also knocked.

Who is so bold?

Shangguan Mo was about to get angry, but then the door of the study was opened, and a small face came in, "meow"

It's Lu Yu.

Lu zhe held a cup of coffee in her hand. Half of her pretty face was exposed in the crack of the door. The beautiful Yu Jie blinked playfully. Her eyes were as bright as twinkling stars. Even her voice was sweet. "Meow, master, your little maid is online again. I made a cup of coffee for you myself."

Lu Zhen came to coax him.

In fact, seeing her go to the official ink for a moment, he was soft hearted. He always couldn't resist her coquettish side. Moreover, he was also wrong and shouldn't talk disorderly.

However, he didn't want to forgive her immediately, because she certainly wouldn't give birth to him if she didn't force her now.

Shangguan Mo snorted and said coldly, "come in."

"Yes, master."

Lu Yu came in and put the cooked coffee at shangguanmo's hand. "Master, take a break and drink coffee while it's hot."

Shangguan Mo's eyes fell on the document in his hand, "you're obedient now."

"Of course, you're my master. I'll do whatever you say," said Lu Qiao.

"Then I asked you to have a baby for me. Why do you push and block, just don't want to have a baby?" Shangguan Mo asked.

"Master, what do you think this is?" Lu Zhen took out a small bottle.

"What is this?" Shangguan Mo didn't know.

Lu Lu pointed to the words on the small bottle, "this is folic acid, which is used to help pregnancy."

Shangguan Mo was stiff. "Help pregnant? Do you want to have a baby?"

"Yes, the master has spoken. How can I not want to live?"

Shangguan Mo was so happy that he didn't expect Lu Yu to agree so soon. She promised to have a baby for him.

At this time, Lu Yi took the small bottle away and took it back into her pocket. She pretended to sigh, "but I think the master has no time to make children tonight. Forget it, I'd better wash and go to bed early."

With that, Lu Zhen was ready to leave.

"Wife!" Shangguan Mo grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. "Wife, I have time. We'll have children tonight."

Lu Zhen pinched his small fist and hammered him, "husband, I don't want to give you children, but I still want to live with you. If you really want children, I'll give them to you, but you were cruel to me just now. That makes me so afraid."

Her arms were as soft as jade. She was angry with Youlan and spoiled him. Shangguan Mo felt that he was dreaming. He kissed her little face hard and kept apologizing. "I'm sorry, my wife. It's all my fault. I won't hurt you again in the future. You come back now. No, you hit me, hit me twice."

Shangguan Mo took Lu Yu's small hand and hit him in the face.

"Ah!" Lu zhe took back her hand, and she was reluctant to beat him.

"It's better to be a wife." Shangguan Mo smiled.

Lu Lu snuggled up in his arms and climbed his delicate fingers to his fine chest, "husband, do you still have to work tonight?"

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