"Well, well, you don't. I can't control myself. I don't have any concentration for you, okay?" the upper official Mo coaxed pet.

Lu Yu smiled, "it's almost the same."

"Let's go home." Shangguan Mo led Lu Yu's little hand home.


Today, the maid prepared a sumptuous dinner. Shangguan Mo said, "I know you like light food. Today, I asked the cook to prepare some refreshing dishes according to your taste. You've been too thin recently. You must eat more."

Today's food is really refreshing, but Lu Yu seems to smell the greasy smell again, and she twists her eyebrows.

"Ho Ho, eat quickly." Shangguan Mo urged.

In order not to let shangguanmo doubt and worry, Lu Yu picked up chopsticks and ate a little. She didn't eat much and had eaten the maximum amount within her ability.

"Husband, I'm full."

"How much do you eat now? Eat more."

"My stomach is full. I don't believe you touch it." Lu zhe took Shangguan Mo's hand and put it on his belly.

Shangguan Mo gently circled and stroked her little belly, "I feel I can drink some more soup."

Shangguan Mo filled a bowl of soup and put it at Lu Yu's hand.

Lu Yu was already at the limit. Now she smelled the stew. She immediately screwed up her eyebrows. She ran up and threw up on the garbage can.

She vomited out all the food she had just eaten, which was dark.

"Ho Ho, what's the matter with you? Why did you vomit again?" Shangguan Mo Lian patted her on the back.

"I'm fine. I just have a bad appetite recently..."

At this time, a maid said, "master, my wife has a bad appetite and wants to vomit when she sees greasy things. Is this... Pregnant? This is really like a needle during pregnancy."

Shangguan Mo was stunned, "what?"

Lu Zhen's heart sank. Shangguan Mo had no experience in this field and didn't understand what pregnancy reaction was at all, but others understood that if she kept the child again, the pregnancy might be exposed.

Once shangguanmo knew that she was pregnant, he would not want his own life.

Lu Yi quickly said, "I'm not pregnant, but I have a bad appetite recently, husband. Didn't the doctor come to check it two days ago?"

Shangguan Mo always wanted to have a child, but Lu Yu didn't want to have a child. In addition, she had a weak constitution since childhood, so it would be risky to have a child, so he gave up the idea from his heart.

Now when the maid said she might be pregnant, Shangguan Mo was stunned, but Lu Zhen was right. The private doctor came only two days ago. At that time, she was not pregnant.

"That may still be uncomfortable. We'd better go to the hospital for a general examination in two days, so I can rest assured."

Seeing that he had no doubt, Lu Yu was secretly relieved. She nodded cleverly, "well, good."

"I'll eat later. I'll take you upstairs to have a rest."



Lu Zhen lay in bed with her little hand on her flat abdomen. She had made a decision in her heart that she would go to the hospital to kill the child tomorrow.

This matter can't be delayed any longer. It's bad for anyone. Shangguan Mo's body can't have any accidents.

But this is her baby.

She and shangguanmo's baby.

Babies don't have a chance to take a look at the world and their father and mother.

Lu Zhen's heart aches for a while - baby, if you want to blame you, blame Mommy, but Mommy can't help it. Mommy must save your daddy.

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