Shangguan Mo looked at the front door of the hospital and immediately frowned, "are you sure your wife is in the hospital?"

"Yes, young Lord, I'm sure my wife came to the hospital early in the morning." 11.

"OK, go in."

Shangguan Mo led a large group of people to go in and find Lu Zhen. This is the second time Lu Zhen has come to the hospital by herself. He asked her to wait for him, but she came alone.

Is there something wrong with her body?

Shangguan Mo couldn't help thinking. He was very nervous about Lu Zhe's body.

In the corridor, Shangguan Mo saw Lu Zhen at a glance. At the moment, Lu Zhen was sitting on the bench in the corridor. Her face was pale and her head was low. She didn't know what she was thinking. The whole person was very distracted.

Shangguan Mo walked over and she didn't even find him.

"Ho ho." Shangguan Mo shouted.

When she heard the familiar call, Lu Yu looked up. She paused, "husband, why are you here?"

Shangguan Mo squatted in front of her on one knee and held her little hand. Her little hand was cold. "Why did you come to the hospital alone, didn't you say to come together?"

Lu Yu didn't expect him to come. She pulled her lips. "I'm afraid you're busy. It's okay. I can do it alone."

"Then what are you going to check?" Shangguan Mo looked. The operating room was in front, and he couldn't help frowning.

Lu Zhen was afraid of what he found and quickly said, "I had a small examination. The doctor said I was anemic recently and asked me to eat more blood tonic."

"Really?" Shangguan Mo really didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. Let's go home. I have something to tell you when we get home."

"What, good or bad?"

"Of course it's a good thing."

Shangguan Mo took her little hand, "OK, let's go home."

"Well." Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the doctor suddenly ran out of the office, "Lu Yu, wait a minute!"

Lu Yi's heart thudded, and the doctor came out.

The doctor opened a list and handed it over, "Lu Yu, you are very weak now. You must pay attention to fetal protection when you get home."

Tire protection?

These two words were accurately caught by Shangguan ink. He was stunned, "fetal protection? What fetal protection?"

The doctor looked up and down at Shangguan Mo, "are you Lu's husband? Oh, young man, I didn't say that. Why didn't you come to the hospital with your wife when she was pregnant?"


Shangguan Mo's eyes fell on Lu Yu's face, then slowly moved down and fell on her flat abdomen. He was shocked and couldn't believe it. "Doctor, you said my wife was pregnant?"

"Yes, your wife is pregnant. You're going to be a father."

My God?

Shangguan Mo always wanted a child. Now the child suddenly came. He was officially announced to be a father. Great joy filled his chest, so that he hardly knew how to react.

He stretched out his hand, and his slender fingers approached Lu Yu's little belly. Yesterday, his hand was also put on her belly, but last night he didn't know that he and her children had been pregnant in it.

Shangguan Mo touched her little belly. "Are you really... Pregnant? There are really my children here. I want to be a father?"

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