Shangguan Mo said nothing more. He went straight to the backyard, "I'll find my sister."

Lin Bu ran knew that Shangguan Mo would come this evening, so she waited early. She slapped her brother last time, and she also hurt in her heart.

"Ah Mo, you're here?" Lin Bu ran greeted him happily.

Shangguan Mo looked at his sister. Except that her face was red and disfigured, she was radiant and energetic. It was obvious that she lived here like a fish in water and was a lot happier.

"Sister, what happened to your face?"

"My face is fine. I like it. Brother, I have something for you. Here you are." Lin buran stuffed a picture album into Shangguan Mo's arms.

"Sister, what is this?"

"She sent it. Here is a photo album of her pregnancy. Take it home and have a good look."

Lu Yu's stuff?

Shangguan Mo immediately wanted to lose the album, "I don't want this."

"Ah Mo, you don't even want your own son? Pangpang is now pregnant for more than five months and has such a big stomach." Lin buran gestured and said happily, "She will have regular prenatal examination. The baby is very healthy. She can monitor the baby's heartbeat every day. By the way, she will have to do a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound in a few days. Then she can see what the baby looks like. This is the first time to meet the baby."

A new life can always bring joy. Shangguan Mo's silent eyes are slowly lit up. As a father for the first time, he has no experience, and he has no chance to participate in it. He doesn't know these.

He didn't know that he could listen to the baby's heartbeat, nor did he know that there was such a thing as four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound.

"Ah Mo, take this album home and have a look. If you want to throw it away, if you are willing."


Shangguan Mo returned home. Late at night, he still sat in his study and worked. There was a lot of smoke in it. He had smoked a lot, and the ashtray was full of cigarette butts.

Since Lu Zhen left, he has become a heavy smoker.

There were a lot of documents piled up on his desk, and he began to work as soon as he came back, but the document was still that document, and he didn't even review a document.

He was absent-minded.

The album was in his hand. He kept it, but he didn't read it.

Although he didn't see it, his mind was on it.

He doesn't know what's wrong with himself?

He snuffed out half of his cigarette in the ashtray. Shangguan Mo reached out and opened the album. Lu Zhen quickly burst into sight.

He hadn't seen Lu Yu for a long time. It was the first time he saw her big belly.

After more than five months, her stomach has bulged, but it is not big. It is round and pointed in front. At first glance, it is the stomach with a male baby.

Shangguan Mo looked at her stomach, and then his eyes fell on her. She was pregnant for more than five months, but she didn't gain weight at all. On the contrary, she seemed to be thinner than before she was pregnant.

He doesn't know how she has become so thin now. Most of her small face has no palm, and her fragrant shoulder is weak. Looking from the back, she is a delicate girl, and there is no sign of pregnancy at all.

The first picture was taken sitting on the carpet. She was wearing a white shirt and bathed in the sun. She bowed her head and stroked her stomach. The warmth sprinkled all over her. She was bathed in the warmth of motherhood.

Gentle as water, years are quiet.

Shangguan Mo stretched out his hand, and his slender fingers climbed slowly up her big belly, and then fell on her small face.

His fingertips crossed her eyebrows little by little. At this moment, thoughts and nostalgia poured into the sea.

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