
Shangguan Mo took back his fingertips and quickly closed the picture book. This picture book is like a beast burning his fingers and heart.

This feeling quickly filled his eyes with bleeding red. He suddenly got up and came to the French window.

He pulled out another cigarette and began to swallow the clouds and drive the fog.

This night, silent.


The next morning.

Eleven "kowtow" knocked on the door of the study. During this time, Shangguan Mo didn't go back to the master bedroom and rested in the study.

Soon a hoarse voice came from inside, "enter."

Eleven pushed the door in and suddenly smelled the smell of smoke in the house.

Shangguan Mo was still the shirt he wore last night. He was still standing alone in front of the French window. His eyes were full of red blood and he didn't sleep all night.

"Master, why don't you sleep again? If you go on like this, your body will be dragged down."

Shangguan Mo's sleep quality is very poor now. Although his body has become better, he often has insomnia and sometimes simply doesn't sleep. Xi is very distressed about his master.

Shangguan Mo had no expression. His voice was very hoarse, "contact the Lu family."


It was the first time for the master to mention the Lu family. He thought the master would never mention it.

"Tell the Lu family that I want to meet my child. I want to accompany the birth inspection for a day."

He didn't mention the name "Lu Yu" at all.

Eleven didn't know how his master suddenly wanted to accompany the birth inspection, but Lu Yu's stomach was his little master. Eleven nodded immediately, "yes."


Lu Jia.

Xia Xiwan soon received the news that Shangguan Mo wanted to see the children and accompany Lu Yu to the birth inspection.

Shangguan Mo doesn't know the current situation of Lu Yu. Lu Yu can only stay in the sterile room every day. Xia Xiwan is responsible for her birth inspection and doesn't need to go to the hospital.

Moreover, Lu's current body is not suitable for running out. The air quality outside is poor, and Lu can't stand a little toss.

Lu Hanting thought, "otherwise, we won't tell you the news."

"Why don't you tell her?" Xia Xiwan smiled bitterly. "Do you all think that once you tell her, she will promise, right?"

Lu Hanting put his hand around his wife's shoulder, "do you think he has resistance to this senior official? No."

Xia Xiwan sighed, then leaned her head on her husband's shoulder, "because of this, we parents understand our daughter's mind, and how can we have the heart to deceive her?"

Xia Xiwan came to the sterile room. Lu Lu didn't sleep. She sat there, doing needlework.

During this time, she was also bored, so she learned a little sewing and made a pair of lovely baby shoes for the baby in her belly.

Although it was a little rough and dry, every stitch was her painstaking efforts, and now most of it has not been completed.

Lu Yu's Qi and blood have been bad and her face is pale. She put some rouge on her photo that day, otherwise anyone would think she was ill.

"Why don't you sleep for a while?" Xia Xiwan gently touched her daughter's hair.

"Mommy, I lie down all day just to sleep. I don't want to sleep yet. Little Ye is making trouble in my stomach, and I can't sleep either." Lu Yu put his hand on his belly and smiled gently.

Little Ye loves to move in Mommy's stomach. Even when Xia Xiwan checked, he found that the little guy was tossing and turning in the amniotic fluid. He must be a little skin head when he was born in the future.

"Oh, there's something I want to tell you."

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