Shangguan Mo didn't enter Lu's house, but stood by the car and waited. Soon the door of the villa opened, and aunt Zhou helped Lu out.

Today, Lu Yu wore a loose yellow maternity dress with a white cardigan. Her black hair was scattered. It looked fresh, soft and sweet.

She was no different from what he remembered, and still attracted his attention.

Shangguan Mo curled up his fingers on his side, but there were no emotional waves on his face. He looked very indifferent.

Lu Yu hasn't seen him for a long time. I heard that he is well. She hasn't seen him with her own eyes. Now she sees him at a glance.

He was standing tall and handsome in her favorite white shirt. The man with elegant face was like jade. His temperament was noble and alienated. He was more handsome and charming.

Lu Yi's heart beat faster. In fact, she was very strange. She had known him for so long, but she still moved every time she saw him. The tension, shyness and sweetness of first love were constantly rippling in her heart.

Lu Lu came to him step by step.

The two men were close enough to see each other. Lu Zhen looked at him and began to say, "are you okay? Are you well?"

His body is her greatest concern.

Shangguan Mo hooked his thin lips, "thanks to Princess Lu, I'm fine now."

He opened his mouth with cold thorns and cold sarcasm.

Lu Yujie trembled, and her little hands could not help wringing her skirt. She lowered her head and said to herself in her heart --- Lu Yu, forget it.

Shangguan Mo saw that she was silent and her eyes were colder and colder. She was really calm. When she met, she asked him if he was good. Why, do you still want to be friends with him after divorce?

How could she?

He can't.

Seeing her, his heart was still full of pain and pain.

"Shangguan young master, let's stop standing and talking. Get in the car and go to the hospital. The princess has a big stomach. After all, it's hard." Aunt Zhou was sent by Xia Xiwan. She was calm and old-fashioned. She broke the rigid situation and drew Shangguan Mo's attention to the child.

Shangguan Mo's eyes fell on Lu Yu's bulging stomach. Although he had seen the photo, this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

His son has grown so big that he looks like a small ball.

When he left, he was still a small bud in Lu Yu's stomach.

This is his son.

Shangguan Mo slowly stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Lu Yu's stomach.

Lu zhe didn't refuse. On the contrary, she looked forward to shangguanmo communicating with her children, because when she left, the children would follow shangguanmo. She hoped that their father and son could cultivate feelings.

However, Shangguan Mo's hand suddenly stopped and didn't come closer.

What's his matter?

He Don't you want to touch your son?

At this time, Shangguan Mo took back his hand. He lifted his thin lips and said three words, "get in the car."

Shangguan Mo wants to open the front passenger's door.

But aunt Zhou quickly opened the door of the back seat, "princess, get in the car and slow down."

Lu Yu didn't notice shangguanmo's action. She was concerned about why shangguanmo didn't touch her son. Pregnant women were very sensitive, especially her current physical condition. She was afraid that shangguanmo would anger her son because of her relationship and don't love her son in the future.

Lu Zhen and aunt Zhou entered the back seat. Shangguan Mo's fingers froze in the air. He found himself amorous. He gently pulled the corners of his lips. He returned to the driver's seat and began to drive.


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