The luxury car was very quiet. Neither Shangguan Mo nor Lu Yu spoke.

Shangguan Mo drove attentively. Lu Yu looked at the scenery outside the window, and silence spread between the two people.

"Princess, are you hungry? You haven't had breakfast yet. Have a small cake." Aunt Zhou handed over a small cake.

Lu Zhen had a poor appetite after pregnancy. She spent the first three months on nutrition needles and ate slowly later, but she still ate very little.

Xia Xiwan took care of her meals three times a day. This small cake is not a dessert, but a small cake made by Aunt Zhou with eggs. It is sweet and delicious. Lu Yu can eat two pieces at ordinary times.

But Lu Zhen shook his head, "aunt Zhou, I don't want to eat. I'm not hungry."

"Well, don't eat first. Let's drink some water." Aunt Zhou handed the cup.

Shangguan Mo looked up and looked back through the rearview mirror. She saw Lu Yu lying on the window. Aunt Zhou took care of her very carefully and coaxed her with every word. The cup in her hand was pink strawberries. She sucked water with a small mouth of a straw. She could drop water.

Shangguan Mo thought of the past, when she was just pregnant and still around him. He also coaxed her and spoiled her everywhere.

But she is not rare.

Also, she was born a princess. Everyone around her coaxed her and spoiled her. What is he?

Shangguan Mo took back his eyes.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings. He called. Jun matchless called.

The official ink button is connected, "Hey, unparalleled..."

He's on the phone with Jun Wushuang.

Lu Lu immediately didn't even want to drink water. She couldn't drink it. All her attention fell on his call.

He is talking to Jun Wushuang. His voice is very soft. Jun Wushuang is probably asking him what he is doing now. He says he is driving and on the way to the birth inspection. He also says he is not free today and can only make an appointment tomorrow.

He reported his whereabouts to Jun Wushuang in every detail. He didn't even hide from his ex-wife's birth inspection. He will probably go on a date with Jun Wushuang tomorrow.

Lu Zhen's heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe. It seemed that her heart was tightly held by a big hand. Although Mommy deliberately concealed her, she guessed that he and Jun Wushuang came together and might get married soon.

In the future, he and Jun will have a baby, won't he?

It's bound to happen.

He has a strong body. He can have as many as he wants. You are still the daughter of the cabinet. He is sure to have a baby.

What about her baby?

Lu Zhen had never thought about these problems before. Now she realized that Shangguan Mo would have children with other women. She suddenly panicked.

Her little Ye has lost her Mommy since she was a child. Should she even lose her daddy's love?

That's pathetic.

He didn't even touch Lin on the lawn just now.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. His white eyes became red and steaming hot water mist inside. Soon, crystal tears crackled down.

Lu Yu stretched out her small hand to wipe her tears.

"Princess, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?" Aunt Zhou became nervous when she saw Lu Lei cry.

Shangguan Mo in front hung up the phone and saw Lu Yu shed tears. The big palm pressed on the steering wheel suddenly pulled tight.

At this time, Lu Yu wiped away all his tears and found a reason, "just now my stomach was a little swollen and uncomfortable. It's much better now."

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