The master wants to take Lu Yu back?

He was surprised at what he said just now. This Lu Zhen almost drank ecstasy Soup for his master. Don't look at what the master said, one by one. He moved the little master out as an excuse. In fact, the master just wanted to get Lu Zhen back.

But eleven dared to say it in his heart. He dared not express his opinion, "yes, master."


Xia Xiwan soon received a call. Shangguan Mo's intention to pick up Lu Yu has been conveyed.

Lu Hanting said with a smile, "this Shangguan young master is very interesting."

Xia Xiwan hung up the phone. She picked her eyebrows and looked at her husband, "why is Shangguan young master interesting?"

"Wan Wan, don't you think Shangguan young master looks like a pestering dog skin plaster? He can't be thrown away. Of course, I don't mean derogatory. I just want to express that he really sticks to us."

"It seems that you are quite satisfied with this son-in-law?"

Lu Hanting hugged his wife's shoulder, "aren't you satisfied?"

Xia Xiwan smiled. It was just Shangguan Mo's thought of him. They were all parents. It was difficult to be satisfied.

"Pack up."

"What are you packing for?"

"I'm going to move. If I don't move again, I think the senior official and young master will come to rob people. Now I can only leave here with him. He can't have any accidents." Xia Xiwan frowned.

Lu Hanting listened to his wife. He nodded, "OK."

Xia Xiwan came to Lu Zhen. Lu Zhen woke up long ago. He was wearing loose white clothes and black hair and continued to make baby shoes.

"Ho Ho, how are you today?"

Lu Yi hooked his lips. "Mommy, I'm in good health. Don't worry."

Xia Xiwan looked at the two blushes on her daughter's face. During this time, Lu Yu's face has been very pale, but after going to shangguanmo, she didn't know what panacea she had taken. Her complexion has changed better, like a moistened Begonia.

Xia Xiwan sighed. Sure enough, love is the best medicine in the world. She would be happy to see it if it weren't for her body.

"Ho Ho, there's news from the Shangguan young master again."

Lu Yujie trembled. "What did he say?"

"He said he was worried about putting the child with us. He wanted to take you back."

Take her back?

Lu Zhen's heart moved. What happened to him?

Xia Xiwan held Lu Dan's small hand, "Dan, yesterday I asked you to go out with the official young master, but I didn't let you fool around. Your body can't hold up now. I absolutely can't let him take you back."

The above official Mo was so uncontrollable that she didn't know what would happen after she was taken back.

Lu Yi's face flushed. She knew she had made a mistake. "Mommy, I know. I'm sorry. I won't do it in the future."

"I've asked your father to move. We're going to leave here and go to a place where Shangguan young master can't find, so that you can have a baby quietly."


Lu Zhen suddenly felt reluctant to give up. Once he moved, he couldn't find her. Would he be worried?

"I'll leave a message for Shangguan young master. When you give birth, give the child to him, so go with mommy."

Lu Yu knew that she had no right to choose now. She didn't want daddy and mommy to worry about her anymore. It was also for the sake of the baby in her stomach. Even if she didn't give up official ink in her heart, she could only nod and agree, "OK, I'll go with you."

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