Shangguan Mo didn't wait for the reply from the Lu family, but waited for the news of the Lu family moving.

Shangguan Mo Yin looked at Xi, "what are you talking about, moving?"

"Yes, master. When we went to the Lu's house, the Lu's house was empty and there was no one in it."

Shangguan Mo's two big palms hanging on his side suddenly pulled into fists. They took Lu Zhen away together. Overnight, they disappeared under his eyes.

Lu Lu is gone.

"Master, the Lu family left you a message."

"What did they say?"

"The Lu family said that in order for Princess Lu to have a good meditation and raise her fetus, they took Princess Lu away from here and moved to a more livable place. They hope that the owner will not go to find them or disturb them. After Princess Lu gives birth to a child, they will naturally send the child to the door and hand it over to you."

They even said this, which means that after a few months, he can only see the children and can't see Lu Yu, right?

Of course, Shangguan Mo's eyes were covered with a bit of violent scarlet. He raised his hand and brushed all the documents on his desk to the ground.


As a sister, Lin buran doesn't know what happened, but she gives the photo to Shangguan mo. she believes that her brother and Lu Yu will get better slowly.

She knows her brother too well. His brother loves Lu Yu very much. Even if things are wasted, nothing can completely separate the two lovers.

Tonight is the Mid Autumn Festival. Lin buran took out his brush and began to make his own design. During this time, Zhang Han didn't come to her again. Just now she had a fight with the Guerlain beauty. He said he would stay with the Guerlain beauty tonight. Lin buran was really happy and relaxed.

She hopes he doesn't want to come to her all his life. Let her live quietly in this place.

After seeing off shangguanmo, Zhang Han returned to his study and began to work. Unconsciously, he worked very late. At this time, the knock on the door sounded, and Jiao LAN Jiao Didi's voice came, "King Han, are you finished with your work? It's very late now. It's time to have a rest."

Zhang Han didn't like his work to be disturbed. He frowned immediately, "come in."

Guerlain happily opened the study door, "King Han"

"Who made you quarrel outside? Now there are no rules. Don't you see I'm busy?" Zhang Han scolded impolitely.

Guerlain's face turned white and she was wronged, "King Han, but you said to turn over my sign and have a rest at my place tonight."

Is it?

Zhang Han patted himself on the head. He forgot it.

"I see. You go back first and I'll be there in a minute."

"It's King Han"

Guerlain quickly returned to the room. She had taken a bath for more than an hour. She was fragrant. She put on a beautiful and sexy Tulle dress. Everything was ready, just waiting for Zhang Han to come.

However, she waited a long time and was about to give herself to sleep. When she fell asleep, the door of the room was pushed open, and Zhang Han came late.

"King Han, you've finally come. Guerlain has been waiting for you for a long time." Guerlain quickly greeted Zhang Han and reached out to help him undress. "King Han, I'll undress you. Go in and take a shower. If you want me to accompany you, we can do it together."

Zhang Han pushed Guerlain away. "I don't need you to serve me. Go to bed by yourself."


Guerlain froze. Is she going to stay alone tonight?

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