"King Han, why don't you touch me? Since you don't touch me, why do you turn over my sign and take me into your harem? I've had enough of such days. I don't want to live like this anymore." Guerlain said wrongfully.

Zhang Han is not the master of pity for fragrance and jade. Seeing Guerlain's sudden desire to cry, he just narrowed his narrow eyes slightly and said dangerously, "if you have had enough of such a day, you don't have to live any longer. There are many people outside who want to live such a day."

"King Han, I don't mean that. I just really love you and want to be your woman. I..."

"OK, I don't have time to listen to you," Zhang Han impatiently interrupted her. He didn't want to hear these confessions at all. "What do you care about me? There are so many people who like me. Should I take care of everyone?"

Guerlain, "..." She was speechless.

"If you're smart, close your mouth and get out of here if you don't want to." With that, Zhang Han went directly into the bathroom.

He went to take a cold bath, and the sound of water came out. Guerlain looked at the closed door in front of her and slowly withdrew her grievance, revealing some strange light.

Zhang Han took a cold bath and came out. Guerlain had gone to bed. Maybe she was afraid of him. She didn't dare to speak again.

Zhang Han felt clean. He lay down on the sofa, but he couldn't sleep.

There were occasional firecrackers outside, and gorgeous fireworks cut through the night sky outside the window. The reunion and joy of the festival came. Zhang Han hooked his thin lips. He didn't know what those people were celebrating happily. However, he was also infected.

It seems like a holiday tonight, but he is cold and has no fun at all.

On this thought, Zhang Han quickly rolled his throat up and down. He was a little dry. He hadn't had fun for a long time. Since he broke up with Lin buran last time.

In Zhang Han's mind, Lin buran was fighting with Guerlain just now. Her hair was messy, and there were red spots and scratches on her face. It was really ugly, but her eyes were clean, pure, shiny and beautiful. People wanted to kiss her eyes.

Zhang Han suddenly sat up and left the room quickly.

In the dark, Guerlain slowly opened her eyes. She came to the windowsill and saw Zhang Han go out of the villa and go into the back yard.

Zhang Han went to find Lin buran again.

It seems that he really likes this Lin buran.

Guerlain hooked her red lips and showed a calculated smile.


In the backyard, Lin Bu Ran has put down her brush and has been sleeping in bed. Recently, she has slept well and has fallen asleep.

But when she was sleepy, she felt a dark shadow standing by her bed. Who?

Lin buran suddenly opened her eyes. It was not a dream. There was someone beside her bed.


Lin Bu ran screamed with fright.

But the next second, the shadow rushed up, covered her mouth and threatened in a low voice, "don't shout. If you shout again, I'll tell you what to do first."

The voice is so familiar that even if he turns gray, she can hear it. It's Zhang Han.

He's here again!

This haunting devil, what is he doing here?

"Oh, let me go!" Lin buran struggled hard.

Zhang Han stretched out his hand and pushed her directly onto the bed.

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