Lin buran, who was pushed down, was like a frightened bird, trying to push him away, "what are you doing? Why did you suddenly appear here? Didn't you turn over the Guerlain brand?"

Zhang Han held her little face and told her not to move. Then he kissed her beautiful eyes. Just now he wanted to kiss her eyes.

"Lin buran, I turned over other people's signs and came to your room. Do you feel very proud? Well, I'll give you a chance to be proud."

What did he say?

"You let go of me, I don't want this opportunity, don't touch me." Lin butan opens his mouth and wants to bite him hard.

But Zhang Han has long been prepared. Recently, she likes biting very much. He pinched her little face and didn't let her succeed. "Lin buran, are you a puppy? You dare bite me and try. I promise you'll regret it."

Lin buran was angry. Her upper body was controlled and couldn't move. She immediately raised her foot to kick him.

But when Zhang Han pressed his knee, Lin buran couldn't move. "Lin buran, I warn you not to resist, or I'll be rude to you."

Lin butran glared at him, completely ignoring his warning and trying to break away from him.

Her strength has completely stimulated Zhang Han's desire to conquer. A woman who was too obedient is easy to lose interest. There is always a stubborn strength under her gentle, quiet and beautiful nature, which can stimulate his desire to challenge.

Zhang Han's character is also very wild. Such Lin buran is just right for his appetite and threw a big stone into his quiet vegetarian life.

"Lin buran, you asked for it!" He reached out to unbutton her dress.

Lin buran didn't want to have any relationship with this man at all, so she struggled fiercely.

At this time, Zhang Han also lost his patience. He came to her button and tore it hard. His clothes were torn directly.

Lin buran's pupil shrinks. There is an essential difference in the strength of men and women. Between the two people struggling, the guns he inserted in his waist fell on the bed. She suddenly regretted that she should have shot him that day.

But she missed the chance.


I don't know how long later, Zhang Han got up and got out of bed. He picked up the clothes thrown on the ground and put them on his body.

Lin buran was lying on the bed, covered with a thin blanket. Her slender feathers fell and trembled. She closed her eyes.

At this time, Zhang Han, who was dressed, came to the bedside. He looked at her condescending and patted her little hand. "Learn to be good in the future, huh? Because you can't escape."

With that, he strode away.

Lin butran tightened her fist. She was humiliated by him again. He came when he wanted to. After venting, he left and regarded her as a tool.

Zhang Han returned to his room. He stood in front of the washstand and took off his coat. Now his strong muscles were full of scratches, which she had just grabbed off.

This is warm. The scratch of ignorance makes people know what happened without guessing. Remembering her stubborn and strong appearance just now, he cursed and rolled his throat. He had to say that he liked her very much.

Now just think about it, he wants to rush back to her room and bully her again.

Zhang Han entered the bathroom and began to take a shower.


Lin buran was sore all over and didn't even have the strength to move. After lying down for a while, she slowly sat up. Her clothes were on the ground and had been torn into pieces and couldn't be worn anymore.

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