Lin butan can only take out a new suit and wear it on her. She is very uncomfortable and sticky. She goes in and takes a shower.

While taking a shower, she suddenly thought of a key problem. He didn't take safety measures.

Although he said he had been ligated, it was not 100%. He hadn't touched himself for a long time, so she didn't have to think about it at all before. When he came suddenly tonight, she had to think about it again.

No, she has to get a contraceptive to take it.

She doesn't want to be pregnant with this devil's child.

Lin butran comes out and gets dressed. When she returns to her room, she suddenly stops because there are several more people in her room.

Some people in black.

"Who are you and who let you in?" Lin buran quickly realized the danger. She wanted to shout for help.

But the men in black quickly covered her mouth with a piece of cloth. Lin buran's eyes darkened before he could make a sound, and he fainted directly.

When Lin butran woke up, she found that she had been kidnapped. Her hands and feet were tied by a rope. Now she was thrown on a black van.

She had left Zhang Han's residence and didn't know where she was going.

"Who are you and why did you kidnap me?" Lin buran immediately asked.

At this time, a man in Black opened the black cloth on his face and revealed a familiar face, "Lin buran, don't you know me?"

It was Guerlain.

Lin buran doubted that she was dazzled. How could Guerlain become a man in black? "Guerlain, what do you want to do? Let me go quickly. If Zhang Han knows about it, you will die."

"Ha ha ha," said Guerlain with a confident laugh, "did Zhang Han spend the night in your room last night?"

Lin butran twisted Xiumei and didn't speak.

Guerlain looked at Lin Bu dye's kiss marks in her neck. These were left by Zhang Han. It can be imagined how fierce it was at that time. Her eyes showed envy and jealousy, "I really don't understand why Zhang Han likes you and why he likes you alone?"

Lin bunran doesn't know who this Guerlain is and what she wants to do. She doesn't speak.

Guerlain said to herself, "Lin buran, don't you know that Zhang Han's harem is fake. He has never touched those beauties, including me."


Lin Bu ran took a breath of air-conditioning and almost suspected that he had auditory hallucinations. What did this Guerlain say?

She said Zhang Han had never touched these beauties in the harem?

Lin buran shook her head. She absolutely didn't believe it. How could it be? She suspected that the Guerlain was out of her mind. She began to talk nonsense.

Or this Guerlain is a spy sent by Zhang Han. If she said so deliberately, what tricks are she playing.

Anyway, Lin buran absolutely doesn't believe it.

As sure as a gun, what kind of expression do you have? You think I'm lying. Do you think I'm lying to you? Ha ha ha, it's really hard to believe, isn't it, but it's true. I have secretly investigated, and those women are just like me, even if they are upset, they are also the only ones who are left empty.

"Do you know how we live? We sleep in bed and Zhang Han sleeps on the sofa. He doesn't allow us to touch him. He doesn't know who to show him!"

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