Lin buran was shocked. She didn't expect that Zhang Han, who sits in such a big harem, should be as good as jade?

How could it be? Isn't he the man who came to her room to plunder fiercely?

Zhang Han's private life in Lin buran's cognition is particularly unruly. Born in modern times, she also lives like an ancient polygamy. There are countless women. Now this cognition has been completely overturned, and she is stunned.

Looking at Lin buran's reaction, Guerlain knew that she was an exception. "Lin buran, did Zhang Han really sleep with you? He never touched other women. He only touched you, didn't he?"

Although Guerlain is meticulous and wants to solve Zhang Han inside, after such a long time together, Zhang Han is handsome, evil, domineering and crazy. It is easy to capture Guerlain's heart. Guerlain really wants to have sex with him.

Moreover, with her beauty, Zhang Han is the only one who hasn't done so far, which has hit her more or less.

Guerlain is jealous of Lin buran.

Lin buran screwed up Xiumei. Up to now, the truth has been in front of him. Zhang Han really only touched himself.

Some time ago, a woman said she was pregnant with his child. No wonder he was so cruel. It turned out that it was not his child at all.

The woman was born in his harem and put a green hat on him.

"Guerlain, did you catch me just to say that? Come on, what do you want to do?"

Guerlain sneered and returned to the theme, "Zhang Han likes you so much that we take you away, which is equivalent to taking away Zhang Han's weaknesses and weaknesses. We want to use you to deal with Zhang Han."

Lin Bu ran was about to laugh. "How can you use me to deal with Zhang Han?"

"Don't Zhang Han like you?"

"Does a man like you when he sleeps with you? It doesn't mean he touches me without touching others, just as it doesn't mean he likes me when he touches me."

Guerlain's face turned black. "I'm not in the mood to listen to you here. Zhang Han hid you so well and spoiled you so much. He must like you."

Zhang Han likes her?

Lin buran absolutely doesn't believe this sentence. Zhang Han is a cold-blooded animal and a ruthless devil. Does he know what love is?

Oh, maybe he likes it, but it's all for his first love.


At this time, there was a loud noise, and the car suddenly burst a tire.

"What's going on? What's going on? Stop the car." Guerlain commanded.

The driver reluctantly stopped the car. "Why did the car suddenly burst a tire? Did someone move his hands and feet in advance?"

Guerlain's heart sank, and she had a bad feeling.

At this time, the dust filled the front, and several tall jeeps galloped. The huge wheels of jeeps rolled over the rugged mountain road and approached here directly with an arrogant momentum.

Who is it?

Guerlain got out of the car and looked at it. Her heart was half cold. It was Zhang Han's car.

Zhang Han is coming.

How did he catch up?

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