Didn't she say that he was not a man at all, but a devil and a great devil.

In that case, why should he be kind to her?

"Lin buran, we have wasted a lot of time outside. It's time to go back." Zhang Han said aloud.

"Ranran, don't go back with him..." Ren Dong wants to talk, but Zhang Han's men have come forward and directly put the knife against Ren Dong's neck.

"Don't hurt him!" Lin Bu ran quickly said.

Zhang Han stretched out his hand and pulled Lin butran into his arms. He firmly clasped Lin butran's small face and made her look down at Ren Dong, who is kneeling on the ground and controlled by others. "See, this is the man who keeps saying he loves you. A man who can't even protect himself is qualified to say love? In my opinion, you are really cheap and ridiculous."

Ren Dong looked at the strong and overbearing man in front of him and deeply tightened his fist. He was also the pride of heaven, but he was always humiliated in front of Zhang Han. He felt powerless.

Lin buran's eyes were red. She moved her eyes. "Enough, Zhang Han. You've done enough. Stop."

"Are you going back with me, or are you going to be taken back by my people after you bury this man's body here?" Zhang Han threatened Ren Dong's life.

Ren Dong looked at Lin buran and shook his head. "Ranran, don't go back with him. Last time I missed you and let go of your hand. I'm sorry. Don't compromise for me."

Lin buran couldn't have watched Ren Dong die. Zhang Han also grasped her weakness of human nature, so he took her to death.

"Ren Dong, I appreciate you coming to save me, but go back. Don't come back to me in the future. We have no way back."

Then Lin buran looked at Zhang Han, "let him go and I'll go back with you."

"I'm obedient. You've been with me for so long. You should know that if you don't obey, you're asking for hardship. Let's go." Zhang Hansong drove Lin buran and strode towards the jeep.

"Ranran, don't talk to him, don't!" Ren Dong screamed.

Lin buran glanced at Ren Dong, then turned around, followed Zhang Han and got on the jeep.

She has no choice.

In this life, her fate was always up to her.

The jeep sped away.


Back at the mansion, Zhang Han dragged Lin buran upstairs and threw him directly into the room. "Stay honest with me. Don't come out without my order."

Lin buran fell on the carpet. She looked at Zhang Han angrily.

Zhang Han ordered people to close the door and entered his study.

The doctor came and treated the wound on Zhang Han's palm. The knife was deep and bloody.

"King Han, the wound of this knife will heal slowly, but it will leave scars in the future." The doctor said.

Zhang Han didn't take it to heart. He has suffered countless injuries since childhood. Moreover, he is a man. Leaving a scar is nothing.

"It's all right. Just leave a scar."

"I'm afraid this scar will break King Han's palm."

The scar ran through the whole palm of his hand. From top to bottom, it directly became a broken palm. Zhang Han was slightly stunned.

The doctor treated the wound and retreated. Zhang Han took a shower and changed into clean clothes. At this time, his confidants came in, "master, how do you deal with those women in the harem?"

Those beauties in the harem were meant to confuse the enemy. Now that the traitors have been caught, they naturally want to dispose of the harem.

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