Zhang Han pursed his thin lips. "Give them a lot of money and drive them out."

"Yes, master, what about Miss Lin?" Asked his confidant.

Zhang Han took a look at his confidant.

My confidant's forehead immediately burst into a cold sweat, "master, I don't mean anything. I just saw you deal with all the women. Miss Lin should not exist unless... She is different from you."

Zhang Han looked at the injury of his palm. When he was young, he took a fancy to Lin buran, who was a female college student at that time. Her appearance in a white dress was clean and pure, very much like his time.

So he deliberately designed to sell her into the bar, ordered someone to break her leg and directly imprisoned her as a slave.

She was originally the double of Ran Ran Ran. She was his tool to vent his desire and pass the boring time. Maybe he would be tired of playing, but who thought that her small body had great ability and extremely tenacious vitality. She jumped out of his control again and again, stimulated his desire to conquer and led him to chase her.

He brought her back from Ren Dong. In fact, he used her as a chess piece to lead the snake out of the hole. He pushed her to the center of the storm and put her in danger. All these were his plans and developed in full accordance with his plans.

But when did it start to be different?

It was Guerlain who wanted to kill her, and he suddenly began to hate it?

It was she who met her old lover Ren Dong. He was inexplicably blocked in his heart?

In short, Zhang Han felt something was wrong. He seemed to be led away by her more and more.

"Lin buran, put it first and talk about it later." Zhang Han ordered.

"Yes, master."

Lin buran in the room soon heard what was happening outside. Her door was locked and she couldn't go out. So she stood on the balcony and looked down. She saw that all the beauties in the harem had been driven out, and none of them remained.

Many of those beauties wanted to stay. They really loved Zhang Han, but Zhang Han didn't show up. He was heartless and cold.

Guerlain said he had never touched those women. It seems that he has abolished his harem. Why did he leave her here?

Lin butran really can't figure out what he wants to stay for or what value he has for him. Maybe he just wants to torture her.

He can give to anyone, but he won't give to her.

But she longed for freedom most in her life.

When the beauties left, the whole mansion was quiet. In the evening, the door opened and the maid brought a delicious dinner. "Miss Lin, it's time for dinner."

"Put it."


Lin buran didn't have any appetite, and she didn't use chopsticks.

I don't know how long later, the door opened again. She looked up and saw Zhang Han's handsome and straight body by the door. Zhang Han came.

He entered his room again in the evening.

Lin buran quickly bounced from the bed and sat up. She stepped back to the corner, "Zhang Han, what are you doing here? Get out!"

Zhang Han looked at the dinner sent by the maid and frowned, "why don't you eat dinner and want to go on a hunger strike to die with your old lover?"

old sweetheart?


Lin buran thought for a moment and guessed that his old lover might be Ren Dong. Why did he talk so sinister?

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