"Brother Han? No, how can you be brother Han? You're lying to me!" Urana resisted fiercely and wanted to push Zhang Han away.

Zhang Han hugged Rana in his arms, "Rana, I'm really your brother Han. Don't be afraid. Your brother Han is here. I'm sorry. Brother Han came late. Brother Han failed to protect you and made you suffer so much."

Ran Ran was full of injuries and suffered inhuman abuse. As long as he thought of these, Zhang Han wanted to destroy the Wang Er. He wanted to bear these pain and suffering instead of Ran Ran.

Urana slowly calmed down. She slowly stretched out her hand and wanted to touch Han's face. "Brother Han? Brother Han? Are you really brother Han?"

Zhang Han took her hand and put it on his handsome face. "Ran Ran, I'm really your brother Han. Touch it."

Ran Ran's pale and empty eyes slowly focused, and suddenly all the tears in her eyes came down, "brother Han, you are really my brother Han, brother Han, I finally found you! Over the years, I have dreamed of you countless times in my dreams, but you disappeared when I woke up. I thought I would never see you again in my life."

Zhang Han held Ranran's hand and put his handsome face in her palm. "Sorry, Ranran, I thought you were dead. What happened to you these years?"

The memory of time flies back to a long time ago, "do you remember that many years ago, you were chased and killed outside. At that time, you shed a lot of blood and were dying, so I hid you in the bushes, ran out myself and led away the people who chased you."

Zhang Han remembered how he could not remember. That day, he used his small body to lead away the pursuer for him. Without her, he would have died. There would be no Zhang Han in the world.

In this world, only mother and Urana are the people who love him most. They are the purest and clean women in the world. Other women are so dirty.

"I led the pursuers away. They forced me to the cliff. In order not to be humiliated, I jumped directly from the cliff."

"I thought I was dead, but I didn't. I was still alive. I thanked God for giving me the chance to be reborn. Who knows, this is the beginning of my nightmare. I was saved by Wang Er's family. They imprisoned me and asked me to be Wang Er's daughter-in-law."

"I've been trying to escape all these years, but every time I escape, they will catch me back. They will severely beat me, whip me, scald me with red iron and make me give in."

"But I won't admit defeat. As long as my leg isn't broken, I'm still running away. Next, every day in my life, the drama of running away, being caught and beaten has never stopped."

This memory made Urana too painful. She said and cried. Finally, she hugged her head with her hands.

Zhang Han felt that his heart was torn in two. He held Ranran in his arms again, and then gently kissed Ranran's hair. "Don't say, I know, Ranran, those have passed, and now you're back to me."

"The past is like a nightmare. Let's not recall it. In the future, I will start a new life with you. I will love you and take care of you. I will make up for everything to you."

Ran Ran stretched out her little hand and hugged Zhang Han's waist. She buried her tearful little face in Zhang Han's chest, and then nodded hard, "en!"

Lin buran stood outside and looked at it with emotion. She didn't expect that this Ran Ran had such a similar experience with her and such a stubborn and tenacious temperament.

However, this time's sweetheart, brother Han, was her perpetrator. She ran away again and again in exchange for his ruthless breaking of her leg.

Everything in this world is really coincidental and ridiculous.

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