Lin buran didn't make a sound. She wouldn't find her sense of existence on such an untimely occasion, so she went back to her room.

Today, after looking at this Ranran, Lin buran feels that he has a greater hope of leaving here. Ranran certainly doesn't want to see her exist. Zhang Han will let her go then.

You will.

It was half a month in the blink of an eye. Lin buran had the quietest and most relaxed day in history. Zhang Han was busy taking care of Ranran. He never set foot in her room again. He seemed to have forgotten her existence.

That day, Lin buran went out of the door and went to the back garden.

At this time, Zhang Han happened to take Urana to the back garden. Urana was very thin and wore Zhang Han's coat, as if he could fall down when the wind blew.

"Brother Han, the weather is fine today." Ran Ran's voice is very delicate.

Zhang Han held her little hand and said softly, "yes, you'll be better if you get rid of your high fever for several days. You should come out more to breathe and bask in the sun. When you're well, I'll take you out to travel and have a look at the great rivers and mountains."

"Really?" Ran Ran's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true, Urana. When did I lie to you?" Zhang Han scraped Ranran's nose with his finger.

Lin buran didn't expect to meet her like this. It was the first time she saw such Zhang Han. He took such kind care of and spoiled Ranran. He didn't even dare to raise his voice. He tried to make a soft voice as much as possible, as if he was afraid of scaring her. His careful protection and treasure were so obvious.

It turns out that this cold-blooded and ruthless devil also has such a side.

His side only blooms for time.

Lin buran thought about whether to hide. It seemed awkward to meet like this. She turned and wanted to leave here.

But then ran ran looked up and saw Lin buran who wanted to leave. She immediately said, "brother Han, who is that?"

“......” Lin buran can only stop. She turns to look at Zhang Han and ran ran.

Zhang Han looked up, and his eyes fell on Lin buran's face. It was obvious that he didn't want to see her now. She was like an intruder who suddenly broke into him and the world.

Lin buran is speechless. She didn't look at the Yellow calendar when she went out today, but she will meet it one day.

Lin buran looks at Zhang Han and looks forward to how Zhang Han answers such a question.

Although the man is still affectionate, his body is already unclean. He has another woman. Lin buran wants to know whether he can honestly tell Urana all this and whether he regrets it for a second.

"Brother Han, why don't you talk?" Ran Ran looked at Lin buran suspiciously, and then looked at Zhang Han.

Zhang Han frowned, then pursed his lips and said, "she's mine..."

"I'm his cousin." Lin buran opens his mouth.

"Cousin? Brother Han, I haven't heard of you having a cousin before?"

"Miss Urana, I'm his cousin. Because I've always lived in the countryside, you don't know my existence. Recently, something happened in my family, so I came to take refuge in my cousin."

Then Lin buran lifted up his red lips and said with a smile, "miss Urana, I've heard my cousin talk about you for a long time. My cousin loves you very much. He has a special love for you over the years and never forgets it. It's great that you're back now. When can I call you cousin?"

As soon as he said this, Ran Ran Ran's little face immediately showed a blush of shyness. He also believed what Lin buran said, "brother Han, your cousin is kidding me."

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