Zhang Han looked at Lin butran. "You open your mouth and shut your mouth. It's all Rana. Lin butran, are you really eager for me to accompany Rana, or are you jealous?"

be jealous?


Lin buran wished he thought he was dead.

"You'd better go with Urana. I just disturbed you. You can continue." Lin Bu ran stepped back on guard.

Zhang Han pulled out his long legs and came over. He pressed step by step. He also raised his hand and pulled a button between his neck. He pointed out, "Ranran's body hasn't recovered and needs to rest for some time, so I can only come to you."

Lin buran Yujie shudders. He means that he has not had a relationship with Urana yet. Because he loves Urana's body, he has to come to her to relieve his physiological needs during Urana's rest time?

Lin Bu Ran's eyes widened in surprise. His shameless degree really refreshed her understanding of him again and again.

"Zhang Han, stop. Don't come here again, or I'll call. Aren't you afraid of being heard by time?"

"After a narrow escape for you, Rana finally came together with you. Before, I was still moved by your love. Now you run to my room to play rogue. This is your love for Rana?"

"I don't know if Urana can accept your behavior. She knows if she will be heartbroken in the future."

Lin Bu ran thinks Zhang Han is not a very lecherous person. Otherwise, there are so many beautiful women in his harem. Why doesn't he touch them?

He also touched himself because she was a substitute for Ranran, which she could understand.

Originally, when Urana returned, she thought he would focus on Urana and defend himself for Urana, but who thought he would come here.

There was a big scum on his face.

Zhang Han was not moved at all. He pulled the first button of his shirt and continued to pull the second one. "As long as you don't say I don't say, no one will tell Urana about it. Urana won't know."


Lin buran saw the opportunity and ran away.

She wants to run out and find Rana. Now only Rana can protect her.

But her speed was far from that of Zhang Han. Zhang Han flashed out his palm, grabbed her slender wrist and pulled her into his arms.

Lin buran's reaction speed was also fast. She opened her mouth and shouted, "help, ran ran... Oh!"

Zhang Han stretched out his hand and covered her mouth. Her cry immediately drowned in her throat.

Zhang Han didn't expect her to be so strong. In fact, he doesn't know what's wrong with him. It's reasonable that he has stronger feelings for Ranran than Jin, but when he sees Lin buran, he still can't help but have physical desires. His physical reaction is always the most real and can't deceive people.

In the past, when Ran Ran Ran was away, he had only Lin buran. At that time, he was surrounded by beautiful women and the harem was huge. He didn't move to look for other women.

He doesn't know what's wrong. Obviously Lin buran is a double. Now the Lord is back, and he hasn't lost interest in her.

"Oh, let go!" Lin buran is still struggling. She tries her best to escape Zhang Han.

Zhang Han reached out and pushed her directly onto the soft big bed, then bowed his head and kissed her red lips.

Lin buran's pupil shrank suddenly, and the uncontrollable moment in her mind came up with the scene she had just seen at the door. Zhang Han pushed ran ran down on the big bed. It was the same posture and kiss.

After kissing Urana, he ran over and kissed her.

Doesn't he feel dirty?

She feels dirty.

It was so dirty that Lin buran suspected that he was going to infect himself with an infectious disease.

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