Lin buran opened his mouth and bit off the corner of his lip.


Zhang Han suffered from eating pain. The smell of fishy and sweet blood immediately spread to his mouth. She bit him and bled.

Zhang Han not only didn't loosen her, but clamped her under him harder. He liked her strength in bed, which no woman could give him, including Ran Ran.

Zhang Han gave a deep kiss directly.

Lin buran's breathing is poor, her lips and tongue are numb, and she feels very uncomfortable. His kiss makes her feel very uncomfortable.

When he kissed ran, he was gentle and restrained. Every movement was so gentle that he was afraid of hurting ran.

But he treated her like a storm. He didn't care about her feelings at all. He only wanted to vent and be happy.

Is that the difference between love and non love?

At this time, a voice suddenly came out of the door, "brother Han... Brother Han, where are you?"

Ran Ran is looking for Zhang Han.

Lin butran was so frightened that he stretched himself. He put his hand on Zhang Han's chest and pushed him out.

Zhang Han was also afraid of the time outside. He immediately ended the kiss and covered Lin buran's mouth.

"Don't make any noise, okay?" He whispered a warning.

So he's afraid, too?

Why wasn't he afraid when he came out to steal?

Lin Bu ran stares at him.

Zhang Han listened to what was happening outside the door, and ran ran was still looking for him, "brother Han, where are you, brother Han, brother Han!"

Lin butran looked on coldly. She watched how Zhang Han ended. When Urana saw him coming out of another woman's room, or knew that his brother Han was sleeping with another woman, what would Urana do.

Zhang Han frowned. It was obvious that he had been caught like this for the first time in his life.

At this time, his confidant came down and said to Urana outside the door, "miss Urana, the master has some business to deal with. He is not here now. The master will come back with you later. You can tell me anything."

Urana believed these words, "I have nothing to do. I just miss brother Han. Don't tell brother Han that I'm looking for him. Oh, I don't want to disturb his work. Now I'm going back to my room."

Ran Ran obediently and wisely went back to his room.

There was peace outside the door.

Zhang Han also slowly loosened Lin butran's mouth. Lin butran looked at him coldly, "Zhang Han, I think Ranran is a good girl. If you are deeply in love with you, don't lose her. Let me go quickly. I can still be when nothing has happened!"

Zhang Han reached out to touch the corner of his lips and found blood. The arrival of time did not extinguish the fire in his body.

"Lin buran, no one bothers now. Let's continue." He bowed his head and kissed her again.

Lin buran didn't expect that he wanted to continue under such circumstances. The man was really scum at home. He remembered that his kiss was unclean. I don't know how many people he kissed. The sour water in Lin buran's throat couldn't stop flooding upward.


Lin buran couldn't help but spit it out.

Zhang Han dodged in time. Lin buran lay at the head of the bed and vomited wildly.

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