She threw up.

He kissed her and she threw up.

Zhang Hanyi's handsome face "brushed" coldly. He looked at Lin buran coldly, "Lin buran, are you looking for death?"

Lin butran felt uncomfortable all over. She pushed him away, then ran into the bathroom and threw up on the toilet.

This vomit was dark. She almost vomited out her bile.

Zhang Han stood at the door and looked at her. Her face turned white. It didn't seem to be intentional.

He stepped forward and patted her on the back.

However, Lin Bu Ran Ran ran away from the conditioned reflex. She raised her head and looked at him, "Zhang Han, I'm like this. Do you still want to touch me?"

“......” Zhang Han's hand was frozen in the air. It was very embarrassing. He realized what kindness is like.

"Lin buran always disobeys me and makes me angry. After a while, I don't know how many times better than you."

"Since Ranran is good, go find your Ranran. Hurry up. I don't want to see you." Lin buran drove him away.

Zhang Han was so angry that he left with a cold hum.

Lin buran thought, isn't Urana so understanding, gentle and considerate? He's just plain and plain. Men are so mean and bad. She despises him very much in her heart.


Zhang Han came out, and he didn't go back to his room because Urana lived in his room.

He didn't want to see Ranran tonight. Maybe he was really angry with Lin buran, an ignorant woman. He was just upset and wasn't interested in anyone, so he went to the study and slept directly in the study at night.

The next morning, the door of the study was knocked, and there was a gentle voice outside the door, "brother Han, have you got up?"

Zhang Han immediately sat up and said, "enter."

The door of the study was pushed open, and Urana came in with a bowl of noodles in her hand.

"Brother Han, are you awake? I gave you a bowl of noodles. You should eat it while it's hot." Ran Ran put the noodles in front of him.

Zhang Han said, "did you make this bowl of noodles yourself? There are chefs at home. Let them do these jobs in the future. Urana, you need to rest more."

Urana looked at him painfully, "brother Han, you worked all night last night. I think you worked too hard, so I'll reward you with noodles."

Zhang Han felt guilty. He didn't work at all last night, but went to Lin buran's room. Unexpectedly, his silly Ran Ran Ran gave him back to cook himself.

Remembering Lin buran's rejection and disgust for him, and comparing the gentleness of Rana, Zhang Han immediately pulled up Rana's small hand, "Rana, thank you."

"You're welcome." at this time, Ran Ran suddenly saw the wound on Zhang Han's lip corner. "Hey, brother Han, what's the matter with your lip? Why is it suddenly injured?"

Zhang Han immediately remembered that Lin buran bit him last night. Now Ran Ran saw this ambiguous scar.

"Oh, I accidentally knocked it yesterday." Zhang Han lied casually.

Ran Ran blinked Yujie, "brother Han, how did you knock to the corner of your lips?"

"... just hit the corner of the cabinet. Urana, let's not talk about this. Sit down and I'll go in and wash." Zhang Han walked into the washroom inside.

Looking at the direction of Zhang Han's disappearance, the smile on Ran Ran's face slowly disappeared. People with bright eyes can see that the wound was not knocked, but seemed to have been bitten out.

Brother Han lied to her.

After so many years of separation, Ran Ran Ran was uneasy. Although Zhang Han had tried his best to give her a sense of security, the torture of years of life made her feel inferior and sensitive. She felt that she didn't deserve brother Han.

What's more, brother Han is now in a high position of power, and she must be tempted a lot. The wound on the corner of her lip immediately gave her a sense of crisis.

With a woman's most sensitive sixth sense, she dares to determine that Zhang Han has a woman outside.

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