What did she say?

She knew her first reaction to pregnancy was to kill her child?

There are many women who want to give birth to him. It's the first time he's seen her.

Zhang Han also smiled angrily, "well, we really coincided. You don't want to have my child, and I don't want your child. I've ordered someone to boil a bowl of abortion medicine. You'll drink it later."

He made people boil abortion drugs?

Lin bunran knew he would definitely kill the child, but he didn't expect him to be so fast.

"No, I don't want to drink." Lin buran refused.

Zhang Han quickly hooked his lips and smiled. The person who just said he was going to kill his child said not to drink abortion medicine when he heard that abortion medicine was coming. Did he try her truth?

She didn't want to kill his child at all. She still wanted to have his child.

This cognition made Zhang Han feel better inexplicably. "Lin buran, don't you think it hurts to hit your face?"

"At the beginning, I wanted to kill this child, but this child is also mine. He did nothing wrong. He is just an innocent little life. I don't want to drink abortion drugs. Zhang Han, let me go. I'll roll away with the child. It won't have any impact on your life."

Zhang Han thought she was duplicity. She clearly didn't want to kill his child and made up a lot of excuses. He raised his eyebrow and said, "you said so. How do I know if you will disturb me when you give birth to your child? I don't want to have an illegitimate child come back to compete for family property in a few years, or kill the child."

"No," Lin buran quickly put his little hand on his flat belly, "Zhang Han, don't knock out my child."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the maid came in with a bowl of black medicine juice. "Master, the medicine you want has been cooked."

When the abortion medicine came, Lin buran's pupils shrank and her hands and feet were cold. She wanted to escape here. She didn't want anyone to hurt her child.

Zhang Han reached out and took the medicine juice. "Lin buran, open his mouth and drink the medicine himself. The doctor said that your month is small and the damage will be reduced."

Lin Bu ran retreated and shook his head as he retreated. "I don't want it. I said I don't want it. Zhang Han, are you a little human? How much do you want to force me?"

"My good life has been ruined by you. No matter how good it is, your love is moved again. Why do you want to destroy my original life? I didn't study well in college, my legs were interrupted by you, my body was tortured by you, I escaped and was caught back by you, or was imprisoned in this cage. Now I'm pregnant again, and my life is a mess."

"I don't want this child either, but now I can't give up. This is also your child. Can't you let us live?"

"What do you want me to do? Please don't let me go. Do you want me to kneel down? OK, I'll kneel down for you now."


Lin buran knelt directly on the carpet, "Zhang Han, please, please let me and my children go. If this continues, I can't breathe. I feel like I'm going to be driven crazy by you."

Zhang Han looked at the woman kneeling in front of him. His handsome face "brushed" cold. What the hell is she doing?

"Lin buran, get up. Who made you kneel down?"

"Isn't kneeling enough? OK, I'll kowtow to you and knock a hundred."

Dong Dong Dong.

Lin buran immediately began to kowtow. Her forehead hit the carpet heavily, making a dull and harsh sound.

Zhang Han's handsome face was covered with clouds. He immediately came forward and took her by the arm. "Lin buran, get up for me. You'd better not make me angry."

"Can you let us go? Can you give us a way to live? I will never tell him who his father is when I give birth to this child. If you don't believe it, you can poison me dumb. I won't open my mouth, and you won't have worries behind you."

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