When did he say he would poison her dumb?

Good. She won't tell the child who the father is when she has a child. What does he want her to do when she has a child? Is it fun?

Zhang Han pursed his thin lips. "Lin buran, don't bother so much. Drink the medicine so that everyone will be safe."

With that, Zhang Han fed the medicine to her lips.


Lin buran, like a surprised deer, immediately reached out and knocked over the medicine juice.

All of a sudden, the dark medicine juice was sprinkled on Zhang Han's white shirt, in a mess.

"Lin buran, are you crazy?" Zhang Han was so angry that he immediately waved to hit her.

Lin butran hugged his head in fear.

Zhang Han's hand stopped in the air and didn't fight any more. He wanted to kill this damn woman, but he was reluctant to do it.

At this time, Lin buran's eyes darkened and poured directly onto the carpet.

"Lin buran!"

As soon as Zhang Han's pupil shrank, he immediately stretched out his healthy arm and hugged her in his arms. He shook her shoulder hard, revealing his unconscious love and tension, "Lin buran! Ranran!"

Lin buran heard his "Ranran" before she closed her eyes. She didn't know whether his name was Ranran or her Ranran.


Ran ran outside went to the study to find Zhang Han, but there was no one in the study. Zhang Han was not there.

Where's her brother?

At this time, Ran Ran Ran to see the doctor in a hurry and went directly into Lin buran's room.

Urana wondered what the doctor was doing in his cousin's room?

Ran Ran also walked over and saw Zhang Han by the door.

Zhang Han grabbed the doctor's collar and shouted, "hurry up and see what's wrong with her. If anything happens to her, I want you to be buried together."

Doctors are sweating with fright. Doctors are really high-risk occupations these days. They have to be buried with doctors for everything.

"Yes, yes." The doctor immediately examined Lin buran.

Urana by the door froze. It was the first time she saw such a Zhang Han. She was so nervous that she was out of control and looked ferocious. Even if she was found and injured, he didn't do so when she lay in bed.

He has always been restrained, gentle, remorseful and guilty to her. He has never been so kind to her.

Now he's doing this to his cousin?

At the beginning, she felt that this cousin was different, and she couldn't tell. That is, Zhang Han looked at this cousin differently.

The last time his cousin broke into her room by mistake, Zhang Han pushed her away.

Now Urana is sure that there must be a story between Zhang Han and his cousin.

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