What's the story between them?

Ran Ran can't imagine that they are cousins. They are blood relatives. Even if Zhang Han cares about this cousin, he can't go beyond that line.

Let's listen to the doctor.

At this time, the doctor had checked it. He reported to Zhang Hanhui, "Wang Han, Miss Lin is because..."

Urana by the door was listening and wanted to hear some valuable information or truth, but a maid outside the door suddenly said, "miss Urana, why don't you stand by the door?"

This sentence completely startled Zhang Han and the doctor inside. The doctor immediately shut up and swallowed the words that came to his mouth. Zhang Han pursed his lips and looked at Ranran eavesdropping outside the door, "Ranran, are you eavesdropping on us standing there?"

Ran ran quickly came in. She quickly explained, "brother Han, it's not like this. I just look at your nervous cousin's body and don't want to disturb you."

Then ran ran looked at Lin buran, who was in a coma. "Brother Han, cousin, what's the matter? Why did you suddenly faint? Doctor, did you find out anything?"

The doctor had a cold sweat again. No, he didn't find out anything. He wouldn't tell Miss Rana about Lin buran's pregnancy, fear and unstable fetal image.

If Miss Ranran knows, it will certainly cause an uproar. He doesn't want to die.

Zhang Han also felt that he was careless. Just now, he almost let Urana eavesdrop. He looked at Lin buran in bed and felt more and more hateful. She had seriously affected his life.

"She's fine. She's just fainted because she's a little weak due to the cold recently." Zhang Han lied.

Ran Ran was a little suspicious, "brother Han, is what you said true? I didn't lie to me, did I?"

Zhang Han stretched out his hand to hold Urana's small hand and gently squeezed it, "Urana, how can I lie to you."

His intimacy made Urana happy. Urana took the opportunity to say, "brother Han, I don't think my cousin is happy here. Otherwise, you'd better let her leave as soon as possible. She misses her relatives in her hometown very much. Maybe it's also a disease this time."

She doesn't care about the story between Lin buran and Zhang Han. As long as Lin buran leaves, everyone can be safe.

Zhang Han refused, "No."

"Why? Brother Han, why don't you always let your cousin go? I think you're strange. Do I want to tie my cousin to you?" Ran Ran asked her questions.

Zhang Han said, "Ran Ran Ran, in fact, my cousin's relatives in the countryside have died. I'm afraid she's sad, so I haven't told her. I'm afraid she can't stand the blow, so I deliberately don't let her go back. Do you know what I mean?"


So that's it?

"But brother Han, you can't keep your cousin around forever. Well, you can find another room for your cousin and live separately, so that we can take good care of her." Urana suggested.

Zhang Han didn't make a statement immediately, but said, "let's talk about it later."

"Brother Han..."

"Ran Ran, you're hungry. Let's go. I'll have dinner with you. You've lost weight recently." Zhang Han deliberately reached out and pinched Ran Ran's nose.

Ran Ran's heart moved to him again. "OK, brother Han, let the doctor take care of his cousin here."


Lin Bu ran woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying in bed now.

After staying for a second, she remembered the scene before she was unconscious. Zhang Han held her mouth in one hand and forcibly poured abortion medicine into her mouth in the other hand, trying to interrupt her child. His cruel and cold face was no different from the life-threatening hell.

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