Looking at his excited look, Lin buran stretched out his hand and pushed him, "who I like and who I don't like has anything to do with you. Please let me go!"

Zhang Han suddenly found that not only Li Dan's favorite type is Lin buran, but also Lin buran's favorite type, and he seems to be an outsider, which makes him feel too ridiculous.

"Lin buran, why don't you answer me? Answer me quickly!" He kept shaking her on her shoulder and was about to throw her up.


Lin Bu ran stretched out his hand and slapped him in the face.

Zhang Han was caught off guard and missed the whole face, stunned.

He didn't expect her to hit him. She was the only woman who dared to slap him in the face.

"Does this slap wake you up? Zhang Han, what qualifications do you have to come to ask me this question? You can imprison me and get my body, but my heart is free. I won't like demons like you. It's none of your business for me to like other men."

"I advise you to go back to your new house as soon as possible. If your bride opens her eyes and finds that you are not with her, and doesn't know what will happen again, you should deal with your own affairs first!"

Lin butran angrily scolded him. She really hates this man. She has never hated a person like now.

Zhang Hanmo waited for a few seconds. After a long time, he turned Jun's face slowly. His irritability had disappeared, and he was quiet.

He raised his eyes and looked at Lin buran, "do you hate me so much?"

Lin Bu ran returned a word, "yes."

Zhang Han ironically pulled his thin lips. His eyes were very dark. People didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, he held out his hand.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me!" Lin butran looked at him like a frightened bird, and subconsciously avoided his outstretched hand.

Zhang Han's hand was stiff, and then slowly said, "I don't want to do anything. Touch the child for me and I'll go after touching it."

Lin bunran didn't know whether what he said was true or false, but now he didn't give her a chance to refuse, because his hand touched her and fell on her lower abdomen.

This was the first time he touched her stomach. His palm was very big and covered her whole belly. He stroked it gently, carefully and with his father's tenderness.

Lin buran is stiff and can't relax at all. She remembers that he said many times before that he doesn't like children, but now he seems to like children again.

She looked at the ceiling above her head and said, "if you like children, you can let Urana give birth to you. Not only Urana, there are many women outside. You can choose as you like. You can give birth to ten or eight to form a basketball team."

As soon as her voice fell, the big hand on her stomach stopped and didn't move. Soon he got up and left here directly.

He's gone.

She finally drove him away.

Lin buran closed his eyes tired. He was so tired. He had never been so tired before.


The next day, the maid came in, "Miss Lin, let's pack up and leave here."

Lin Bu ran Yu Jie shuddered, "leave here and go where?"

"The master has ordered you to move out of here. The master has arranged another residence for you to rest and have a baby. There is everything there. You don't need to bring anything. Just take Miss Lin's personal belongings."

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