Zhang Han found a place outside and asked her to move there to have a baby?

At the beginning, he mentioned this plan, but it was rejected by Urana. Now he doesn't know how to settle Urana. He even asked Urana to agree to his golden house.

"Don't worry, Miss Lin. the master said that he won't come to see you after you move there. You just keep your baby at ease."

Lin buran thought of the unhappy separation of the two last night. She asked him to find another woman to have children. He was obviously angry. He was also a proud man and in a high position. Naturally, he couldn't stand it. He shouldn't take the initiative to see her again.

Lin buran doesn't want to joke about her body. She has had stomach discomfort twice. She wants to protect the child. Now the child is all she has.

She nodded and agreed, "OK."

Lin buran moved into her new home. It is a very luxurious villa. There are drivers, housekeepers, maids and cooks. Even Zhang Han arranged a private doctor and nutritionist to take care of her daily life.

Lin buran lived down, and two months passed in the twinkling of an eye. Zhang Han kept his promise and didn't appear once. She also slowly settled down.

She has been pregnant for more than four months, and her little belly has bulged. However, she is thin and wears more clothes in winter. If she doesn't say, no one knows she is a pregnant woman.

There were guests visiting that day, but it was Li's birthday.

The arrival of Li's birthday surprised Lin buran. "Mr. Li, how do you know I live here?"

Li Dan said with a smile, "I heard that sister Rana said you had moved out, so I asked someone to inquire. This is the real estate under your cousin's name, which is easy to find."

elder male cousin?

Lin buran looked at Li birthday. "Did he say I was his cousin?"

"Yes, last time I asked ah Han, ah Han said you were a cousin of a distant relative." Li Dan told me honestly.

Lin buran was surprised. She knew Zhang Han too well. He had a strong possessive desire. He wouldn't let anything touch what he got, and would rather destroy what he couldn't get.

With his character, he should directly tell Li Tan that she is his mistress, which can not only cut off Li Tan's Thoughts on her, but also make Li Tan look down on her.

"How are my cousin and sister-in-law?" Lin Bu ran asked.

"Well, I grew up with ah Han. Ah Han used to spend some time, but after his marriage, he was dead set on his sister Ranran. He went home on time every night and was about to become a new three good man."

Lin Bu dyed his lips and smiled.

"Miss Lin, are you going to have Tangyuan tonight?" Li Dan's sharp eyes found that the servant was making dumplings by hand.

"Yes, it's twenty-six tonight. Eat some dumplings and wait for four days. It's new year's Eve. It's so fast. The whole year has passed."

"Well, I haven't had dinner yet. Can I stay here tonight and rub some dumplings?" Li Dan smiled.

Li's birthday was gentle and comfortable. Lin Bu ran nodded and said, "OK, you can tell me not to dye in the future."

"No, you can call me after that."

The two became acquainted.

The cook soon finished the dumplings. On the 26th night, some people began to set off firecrackers. The maid filled the dumplings and Li Dan sat down.

He thought it was a beautiful evening, and then took a picture of dumplings and sent it to his circle of friends.

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