Ye Ling did not want to know that it was the man who moved his hands and feet. She got up and said, "there should be something wrong with it. The time is coming, so let's finish it."

The assistant nodded repeatedly. Today's live broadcast was just crazy. What ye Ling said was the imperial edict. "Ling Meiren, you can have a rest. I'll ask the backstage to calculate today's profit and income, and then let the accountant type your members to your account immediately."

Ye Ling is very satisfied. The reason why she chose this studio is that she can get the account quickly. "OK, let's wait."

Someone brought sweets and milk tea. Xia Xiwan quickly beat Ye Ling's legs and pinched his shoulders. "Lingling, you're tired. How can you sell so many things? I'm stunned."

Ye Ling's soft and white fingers hooked a small white skirt on her back, winked vaguely at Xia Xiwan, "Wan Wan, this is what I left for you."

Xia Xiwan looks at the design of falling back, and her white earlobe explodes red. She puts two small hands and refuses to say, "this what, I don't want it!"

Ye Ling put the little white skirt in the bag and stuffed it to Xia Xiwan, "Mr. Lu will like it."

Mr. Lu will like it again

Xia Xiwan solemnly explained, "how can it be that Mr. Lu is not that kind of person!"

Ye Ling took a look at Xia Xiwan with hook people's eyes. I believe you are a ghost.

Xia Xiwan, "..."

At this time, "Ding", Xia Xiwan's wechat rings. It's Mrs. Lu sent by Lu Hanting. It's time to go home. I'll wait for you at the door.

"Is it from Mr. Lu? Wanwan, you should go home with Mr. Lu first. I've come by car and drive back by myself later." Ye Ling Road.

Xia Xiwan wants to wait for Ye Ling to come with her, but she nods and says, "Lingling, I'll go first."

"Go ahead, 88." Ye Ling waved her hand.


Summer evening line out of the hotel door, she stood on tiptoe around looking for Lu Hanting's figure.

At this time, a deep magnetic voice came from behind, "Mrs. Lu, I'm here."

Xia Xiwan looks back quickly, and Lu Hanting's tall and upright body breaks into her sight. He looks at her tenderly, and his sexy lips hook a soft and tender smile.

"Mr. Lu." Xia Xiwan ran over and jumped into his arms. Maybe it's your little cute again ~

Lu Hanting hugged her soft waist and protected her in his arms. "What's in the bag?"

"The clothes that Ling Ling gave me..." The red face of the sunset.

"What clothes? Let me see. "

Xia Xiwan didn't want to show him. He wanted to hide the bag behind him, but Lu was too fast. His long arm reached over and his big hand had caught the small white skirt which was as smooth as silk.

Yingqi's sword eyebrow picked up, Lu Hanting looked at her, "Mrs. Lu, wear it to me tonight."

Bah, lecher!

Xia Xiwan's small face flushed and threw the bag in his hand on his handsome face.


Ye Ling was still in the studio, when the assistant rushed over and said, "Ling Meiren, it's bad. Something happened. Someone reported that we were involved in illegal cash transactions here. Now our back-end accounts are locked, and we can't take out any money. We have to cooperate with the inspection!"


Ye Ling Tong Ren shrinks. She thinks for a moment, then takes out her mobile phone and dials Gu Yejin's phone number.

Melodious mobile phone ring rings once, that end of the phone is not urgent to pick up, Ye Ling straight to the theme of the way, "are you moving hands and feet?"

Gu Yejin's low-key voice came indifferently, "I've just returned to my apartment, Lingling, come to me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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