Ye Ling just wanted to speak, but "Dudu" two times, Gu Yejin on that end directly hung up the phone.

"Beauty Ling, what's going on here? Who's doing something behind her back?" The assistant asked anxiously.

Ye Ling put the mobile phone in the bag and then got up, "you can't afford this person. Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

With that, Ye Ling left.


Ye Ling drives to xijiangyue villa and rings the doorbell.

Soon, the door of the apartment opened, Gu Yejin's long body appeared in the sight.

Back home, he took off his overcoat. Now he is wearing a light V navy blue thin thread shirt and black home trousers. His beautiful facial features are like a painter's delicate outline. His temperament is gentle. His actions and actions are wrapped in a sense of abstinence.

"Coming? It happens that I'm cooking, washing my hands and eating together. " Gu Yejin returns to the kitchen.

Ye Ling changed her shoes in the porch, and then followed up with the kitchen. Gu Yejin was cooking with her beautiful eyelids. She said that the man who could cook was the most handsome. He made two steaks and mushroom pasta, and looked at the color and flavor.

But ye Ling didn't want to eat.

"Gu Yejin, I've come. Don't you want me to sleep with you? Congratulations, you won. Now don't talk about eating. If you want to hurry up, half an hour is enough, I have to go back!"

Gu Yejin's beautiful face did not have any emotional waves, just a light look at her, "I don't want now, eat first."

The domineering tone can not be ignored.

Ye Ling went straight forward and turned off the fire, "really don't want it?"

Her soft white fingertips fell on the black leather buckle on his waist, and then a hook, pulled hard to her.

Gu Yejin's tall body leans forward, Ye Ling quickly stands on tiptoe, and her delicate Ling lips cover his scarlet lips and kisses them, "now?"

Gu Yejin's throat rolled for a while, and put her big arm around her waist. She put her delicate and graceful face on the stage of Liu Li, and then he found her red lips and kissed her.

Ye Ling did not hide, kiss him.

She is wearing a simple, loose black t-dress, with a baby's bow tie at the neckline. It's not a big brand, but it's so good-looking that other women can't compare with her, which makes people can't take away their eyes.

The bright and soft Ye Ling is a private property that many powerful and rich men want to treasure and enjoy.

Gu Yejin kisses her eyes and asks in a hoarse voice, "if it's not me today, but other men, as long as they give you money, can you take it off?"

Ye Ling didn't close her eyes. She looked at him coldly with her beautiful eyes. Then she drew a sarcastic arc on her red lips. "Otherwise, every time I take off my clothes, there is a price. The more I go inside, the more expensive it is. My face and my eyes are insured all over my body. It's very expensive. Gu Yejin, sleep with you once. You'd better enjoy it. You'd better make sure you can He has been threatening me all the time. He has always been rich and never falls down. Otherwise, I will surely run away with other men, and I will have a new gold Lord. "

Gu Yejin's cold black eyes all of a sudden just like the ink splashed open, thick and deep, he looked straight at her, cold and dangerous.

After a while, he shallow hook a thin lip, "that is how you serve your Lord of gold, your mouth is reluctant to open, right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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