
Kissing is like opening her mouth.

Ye Ling coldly Yan stares at him, has the provocative meaning, she also clenched her teeth, refused to listen.

Gu Yejin is a little angry. She pinches her bright face with her big hand and forces her to open her mouth.

Ye Ling is the most painful. Gu Yejin knows this better than anyone else. The red rose that he pampered asked him to coax him for half a day even taking medicine. When he was ill, he would cry if he needed injection. He looked at him with tears in his eyes. He was extremely pitiful.

I don't know when he has a magic barrier in his heart. He spoils her and wants to destroy her at the same time.

As expected, Ye Ling was in pain. She twisted her eyebrows and loosened her teeth.

Gu Yejin, as he wishes, loosens her face, shuttles his big hand into her curly hair, clasps the back of her head and deepens the kiss.

Ye Ling was so smothered by the kiss that she did not open her eyes. She just looked at the man frowning and kissing. Once such a gentle and smooth man moved his emotions, he would like to eat her like a wild animal.

Ye Ling fiercely bit off the corner of his lip.

The blood quickly spread in the mouth of two people.

Gu Yejin did not let go of her, all the way to capture the city, two people fight for each other, who refused to step back, kiss up like a fight.

Soon, Gu Yejin beat her up and carried her upstairs. She kicked the door of the room and left her in the soft bed.

Ye Ling turned over and put his back against the wall.

Gu Yejin went to bed and lay beside her. He went to hold her and wanted to hold her in his arms. But at this time, he felt that her body was a little stiff and tight, like a stone.

Gu Yejin patiently kisses her curly hair and finds that her body is not only not soft, but also more rigid.

Gu Yejin pursed her crimson thin lips and sneered mercilessly, "what do you mean? It's really cold. I remember you're not like this for the first time."

Ye Ling buried her bright face in her pillow and closed her eyes. "It's hard for you to remember our first time. That time, your skill was so bad that I was very uncomfortable, and even left a heavy psychological shadow on me. Whenever you approach me, I can't control my body and want to stay away from you. Gu Yejin, look, while you're torturing me, I'm sorry Your boredom and disgust have already been engraved in your bones

Gu Yejin's beautiful facial features suddenly became silent, and the whole person could dribble out of the water. Did she even laugh at his poor skills?

The body in my arms can't deceive people. The girl who used to be full of his eyes and would be happy to see him, now only disgusts and repels him.

Gu Yejin felt that she was like a kite he was pulling in his hand. As long as he was not careful, she would be able to break away from his confinement and fly away.

"Ye Ling, this can't affect me. It's you who hurt at last!" He reached out and opened his belt


Ye Ling has been stiff and cold. In fact, he does not know, and will never know, that she once had a child.

At the age of 18, she left Haicheng alone with her suitcase. She went to other places, rented a house, and soon found herself pregnant.

That night, the drunk landlord secretly opened the door of her room, pinched her neck and pressed her on the bed.

At that time, the blood gushed out from under her, dyed the whole sheet red, which frightened the landlord. He let go of her and ran away in a panic. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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