Lu Hanting, who has been immersed in shopping malls for so many years, has been playing business since he was a teenager. He has never been soft hearted to the enemy. What he is good at is attacking. He has never encountered a situation where he is waiting for the enemy to challenge him, but he is beaten with his hands tied.

In her bright and bright eyes, Lu Hanting hugged her Yingrun shoulder, pressed her tightly in his arms, and then whispered, "well, don't mind, you go."

He thought, after all, he could not do something to her, such as folding her wings and imprisoning her around him.

He can stand in the same place for her, do nothing, he can also endure repeated provocation of the enemy, retreat again and again for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." The sweet thanks of summer evening.

Lu Hanting put his thin lips in a charming arc. "Mrs. Lu, you are not really grateful to me. If you are sincere, you should not just talk with your mouth."

“…” Xia Xiwan quickly pushed him away, but also touched a little bubble, wiped his handsome cheek, turned and ran.

Lu Hanting clasped her slender waist and pulled her back. He leaned over to kiss her red lips. "Mrs. Lu, I haven't dealt with you for a long time. I owe you again."

Xia Xiwan giggled in his arms, like a crisp bell, still hiding his kiss, "no, my hands have not been washed, and there are bubbles..."

"I'll do it later. I have to wash my hands anyway."

Xia Xiwan was kissing his lips, two people from the bathroom all the way to the bedroom, dizzy when he was pushed to the soft bed


Two people quarreled for a long time. Xia Xiwan soon fell asleep. When she was confused, she felt that someone was kissing her again. Her long feather trembled, and her sleepy eyes opened.

It's very late now. I don't know what time it is. The light in the bedroom is dim and soft. She is very heavy and pressed

Xia Xiwan raised his hand to cover his eyes, and then the soft white fingers shuttled into the man's broken short hair, slightly forced him to pull up, "why don't you sleep?"

Lu Hanting looked at the girl's appearance of waking up. His eyes were so clear and clean that he couldn't do it. However, he was infected with the soft beauty of a woman, which made him unable to move his eyes.

He murmured in a low voice, "wake you up? I can't sleep with your bullwhip soup

Xia Xiwan felt that the temperature on his body had become hot, she seemed to I haven't been washing my hands for a long time

"Shall I give you a needle?"

Lu Hanting was angry with a smile and looked at her with his hands on her side. "Wanwan, I'm your husband. Besides studying medicine, you haven't learned how to be both sexes. What I want is not needle, but you."

With that, Lu got out of bed and took a cold shower in the bathroom.

Xia Xiwan lies on the bed and closes her eyes. He has made her sleepy. She sits up, and her black shirt on her shoulder slips down. Her skin is covered with strawberries.

Xia Xiwan covered his neckline and touched his red face. She didn't know what nerves she had to buy him a bullwhip. It's already one o'clock in the morning. It seems that two people are going to toss about endlessly. It's still her who pays the bill! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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